Page 66 - AA 2018_11
P. 66
C-RAM effector study,” Ward said.
“Whilst this is not part of the core
requirement, this looks at capability
options that may be brought into the
system at some point in the future.
“If you look at it, there are some
significant changes being explored to
Australianise the system,” he added.
“First off, it will potentially have
a CEA radar. One of the key RMA
activities contracted separately was for
CEA to produce the prototype of their
tactical radar to prove that it could be
incorporated into the system.
“Secondly, the system will be
integrated onto Australian vehicles,
and third it will be integrated into the
existing ADF command and control
Risk mitigation work demonstrated
the suitability of current Army
communications and tactical data
links, thus minimising the impact on
Army’s current systems.
“The other thing that we did during
this mitigation is conduct the first
round of system familiarisation for
Army. We’ve run two training courses
now, and we’ve received feedback
from those courses so that we can trial
suggested improvements.
“Where we are at now, we’ve just
completed the risk mitigation activity
on the program and completed the
initial round of engagement with
Australian industry,” Ward said. that we’re talking about for Australia, The NASAMS canister launcher The other option is an enhanced
“We’re just in the process now of is some of the individual components,” can carry up to six AMRAAM and NASAMS solution which brings new
working with the Commonwealth to he added. AIM-9X missiles. raytheon technology and Australian content.
finalise the solution options which “The EO/IR systems for example “That also comes with the
they’ll then take to Gate 2 in early would be a good export prospect battery operation centre and the fire
2019.” to other countries that already use distribution centre,” Ward said.
In parallel with the RMA, Raytheon NASAMS or countries that in the “But it adds a CEA tactical radar
Australia also engaged extensively future want to acquire NASAMS, and, if successfully prototyped, a CEA
with Australian industry on the because that’ll give it a very capable operational radar which provides
project, with the majority of the fire sensor package. greater range, and an EO/IR sensor.”
distribution centre and passive EO/ “There are a couple of other things This option also includes both
IR sensor sub-system work to be done we are doing for Australia that other the MkII canister launchers and
in Australia, with local assembly and countries could look at, whether it be high mobility launchers which are
integration of almost all sub-systems the CEA radar, or the high mobility capable of launching AMRAAM and
components. Many components would launcher (HML) integrated on the AIM-9X missiles. The Mk II canister
also be locally sourced. Hawkei protected vehicle solution.” launcher will also be able to launch the
Raytheon is also keen to point developmental AMRAAM-ER.
out that elements of the Australian An Australian NASAMS “What that means is it gives you
NASAMS solution are likely to be of Raytheon plans to put forward two much more flexibility,” Ward said.
interest to other current and future NASAMS options to Defence for “One example is to use different
operators of the system around the consideration, Ward said. missiles for different missions. A move
world, so the supply chain possibilities “One of those is a baseline to AMRAAM-ER, which is not part of
are truly global. NASAMS solution, the solution you this project, would allow you to extend
“We’ve engaged with more than would see if you went to a NASAMS ‘And obviously, the range of this into the medium-
200 suppliers across the country and user somewhere in the world. range requirement envelope. There
are working through now whether Fundamentally, that will be a battery that provides would be no change to the system
we’re going to have additional operations centre, a fire distribution other than a change of effector.”
competitions,” Ward said. “And centre, a Sentinel radar, the canister export The high mobility launcher
obviously, that provides export launchers, and the AMRAAM as the (HML) is a lightweight missile launch
opportunities. effector. We could also incorporate the opportunities.’ platform designed to carry four to six
“I think one of the main legacy Giraffe radars as a third-party AMRAAMs mounted on a protected
opportunities for export of the solution sensor for RAM detection.” MICHAEL WARD mobility vehicle like the Hawkei or