Page 64 - AA 2018_11
P. 64


        ZONE                                 Up-arming the ADF’s

                                             ground-based air

                                             defence capabilities

                                              WRITER: ANDREW McLAUGHLIN

               ot since the Bristol    upgraded in service and remains a   the innermost layer of an enhanced
               Bloodhound system of the   capable short-range system. But with   Integrated Air and Missile Defence
               1960s has the Australian   the proliferation of long-range air,   (IAMD) capability, and will be
               Defence Force (ADF)     surface and sub-surface-launched   operated by Army’s 16th Air Land
               possessed a land-based anti-  threats in the Indo-Pacific region,   Regiment.
        N aircraft surface-to-air missile   the ADF’s platforms, people and   “A modern and integrated ground-
        (SAM) system with a beyond-visual-  infrastructure requires much higher   based air-defence system is needed
        range (BVR) defence capability.  levels of protection.        to protect our deployed forces from
          The RAAF’s ramjet and rocket-  That need is now being addressed,   increasingly sophisticated air threats,
        powered Bloodhound entered service   with the April 2017 government   both globally and within our region,”
        in 1961 and, at 8m long and weighing   approval of the development of what   then Minister for Defence Senator
        in at 2.5 tonnes, was a large missile.   it describes as a short-range ground-  Marise Payne said in announcing the
        It boasted a range of up to 180km,   based air-defence (SRGBAD) system   program.
        but by 1968 was considered obsolete   to improve protection for deployed   “Australia’s current short-range
        and ineffective against manoeuvring   personnel under Defence’s Project   capability is 30 years old and due
        targets or against even rudimentary   LAND 19 Phase 7B requirement.  to be retired early next decade. The
        onboard electronic warfare systems.   A limited request for tender was   replacement system will provide
          Today the SAM mission rests with   released to Raytheon Australia as   improved protection for our deployed
        the Australian Army’s 16th Air Land   prime system integrator (PSI) for   servicemen and women.”
        Regiment operating the SAAB Bofors   the Raytheon/Kongsberg National   NASAMS is a state-of-the-art
        RBS-70 MANPAD (man-portable air   Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile   integrated air defence system that will
        defence) system.               System (NASAMS). Valued at up to   maximise the ADF’s ability to quickly
          The RBS-70 has been continually   $2 billion, the project will provide   detect, engage, and destroy existing

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