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ith the launch of a half-dozen   newer A321neo.           In range, it’s around
                           new and re-engined aircraft   From Airbus’s side, head of market   4,000-5,000nm, which from
                           from Airbus and Boeing   analytics and messaging Joaquin   Sydney or Melbourne is roughly
                    Walone in the last 10 years,    Toro-Prieto tells Australian Aviation,   the difference between just about
                    commercial aviation is preparing   the European airframer has not been   reaching Hong Kong and comfortably
                    itself to transition into a period of   approaching the middle-of-the-market   reaching Beijing. And with regard
                    incremental updates rather than big-  as a specific category in and of itself.   to passengers, it’s something around
                    bang unveilings and new models.   “Giving in terms of range or in   175-275 passengers, depending on
                       The last blast of novelty will be   terms of capacity a denomination   how much premium seating there is
                    Boeing’s next aircraft, likely the   for what we consider middle-of-the-  and what the economy class seat pitch
                    797 but still currently referred to   market, we do not have such a thing as   is like – factors which also affect the
                    as “NMA”, an acronym for which   the classification of the middle-of-the-  range of the aircraft.
                    neither Boeing nor the wider aviation   market. That’s a denomination and an   The level of interest in this category
                    community has come to consistent   approach that Boeing has been using   is intense, for a variety of reasons.
                    agreement, but “new middle-market   in the last few years, when they’re   One key is the transatlantic market,
                    airplane” is the essence of the moniker.  trying to categorise a space between   recently pegged as the most valuable
                       The signs, portents and industry   what would be maybe a 767 and a 757,   in the world, which is oversaturated
                    scuttlebutt are all pointing towards a   an aircraft that will be in this type of   between hub airports and underserved
                    Paris Airshow launch  at Le Bourget in   category.”            between spokes. Routes like London-
                    June. But a key question is, after eight   “Just before this year’s   New York have enough demand for
                    years since the announcement of the   Farnborough Airshow,” Toro-Prieto   widebodies, but flights from secondary
                    A320neo this coming December, how   explains, “we were releasing our   cities in Germany or France are more
                    much of that “middle-market” is left   latest Global Market Forecast, and   complex because of eastbound winter
                    for the taking.                 in there what we were doing was a   winds, which historically have resulted
                       Boeing declined to answer any   classification in terms of aircraft sizes   in the need for fuel stop diversions on
                    questions from Australian Aviation   between S, M, L and XL. In this M   the Boeing 757.
                    about the NMA, noting that “there’s   category, we were talking about some   For Australia, New Zealand and the
                    no real update to provide”.     of the variants and some of the models   south-west Pacific, the question is a
                       So is the airframer keeping its cards   of the A321.”       little more nuanced, not least because
                    close to its chest for a big bang six   The middle of the market, Toro-  of the Sydney-centric focus of a lot of
                    months from now in Paris?       Prieto suggests, “is something that   existing operations. Here, the middle
                                                    could be served by A321s, or it could   of the market as it stands today is the
                    Boeing’s MOM means many different   be served by A330s, it depends which   sweet spot between the range of a
                    things to many different people  type of market you’re trying to address.   Boeing 737-800 (just about 3,000nm)
                    Let’s start off by defining what can be   In some cases you can have A330s in   or Airbus A320 (up to 3,300nm) and
                    a very amorphous concept. For over a   low configuration that will sit in this   the capacity of a 787 or A330 (usually
                    decade and a half, Boeing has talked   type of seat count where defined.”  250-275 passengers for full-service
                    about the middle-of-the-market as the   It might well be expected that   airlines, depending on configuration).
                    section that bridges the capabilities of   Airbus, which is not currently   What kind of new markets could
                    larger single-aisle narrowbodies and   planning to launch a new aircraft   be opened if hub airlines from China
                    smaller twin-aisle widebodies.  in this segment, would suggest that   and South-East Asia could fly fewer
                       In aircraft terms, the 1980s’ Boeing   its existing aircraft can serve it from   passengers on smaller, longer-ranged
                    757 is most commonly referred to as   above and below.         aircraft to a greater variety of
                    the prime example, but the Boeing 767   But the key to the middle of the   destinations? Which smaller or more
                    has also been used in this section, as   market, as Toro-Prieto alludes to, is   northerly Australian airports could
                    have Airbus’s A300, A310, A330 and,   the competing tension between range   see new hub or base operations
                    on the narrowbody side, A321 and   and size.                   with aircraft better suited to their

                                                                                             A ‘middle-of-the-market’ aeroplane
                                                                                            would bridge the capabilities of larger
                                                                                           single-aisle narrowbodies, such as the
                                                                                            757 (pictured) and smaller twin-aisle
                                                                                                   widebodies. rob finlayson

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