Page 63 - AA 2018_11
P. 63


          Is there a role for a new A330 regional,   to specialise an aircraft. For most     plugged gaps from Auckland to New
          whether neo or ceo?            of the airlines, where they’re more   ‘Where        York to London to Tokyo to Santiago.
          Asia Pacific is something of the region   eager is around flexibility: having an   (One end result of the eventual
          of the A330, with both early customers   aircraft like a Swiss Army knife you   they’re   resolution of these issues may indeed
          and later purchasers of the airframe   can adapt and use in a lot of different     be a glut in the availability of smaller
          creating regional configurations for   environments and a lot of different   more eager   widebody capacity, which may itself
          shorter range missions.        operations,” Toro-Prieto concludes.                 affect the demand for a middle-of-the-
            Airbus has for five years offered   And Airbus is keen to be selling   is around   market aeroplane.)
          a downrated A330-300 for regional   those re-engined models. “The objective          Interior delays around seats,
          operations, which the airframer   regarding the A330 is as soon as   flexibility.’   lavatories, galleys and monuments
          explains “is optimised for missions   possible just to be delivering neos,”        have troubled the Airbus A350, and
          up to 2,700 nm (five-hour flight)   Toro-Prieto says.         JOAQUIN TORO-PRIETO  with increasing industry consolidation
          covering short to medium-haul routes   “Today, there are still in the portfolio    and fewer players in the market,
          and offers significant cost savings   some A330ceos. Some of the customers,        problems are multiplied. Indeed, as
          through a reduced operational weight   they’ve been ordering it just for a         mega-corporations consolidate the
          of around 200 tonnes.” It delivered the   question of getting it as soon as possible,   players – Safran with Zodiac, UTC
          first to Saudia in 2016.       but our objective is to do a phase-down,            with Rockwell Collins and with Pratt
            It wouldn’t be beyond the realms   a run-down of the production of ceos          & Whitney, AVIC with FACC with
          of possibility that Toulouse might   into neos as soon as possible.”               AIM Altitude and with Thompson
          be looking at offering a similarly                                                 – the waxing or waning confidence
          downrated A330-200, or even a   Production and suppliers for all the               in various parts of each business will
          downrated version of the more   contenders is the wildcard                         prove complicated.
          efficient A330-800neo, which is   Across airframers, from Airbus to                  The conventional wisdom is that,
          advertised as around 15 per cent more   Boeing, Bombardier to Embraer, the         while first movers in a field have a
          efficient than the ceo version. Airbus   threat posed by strained suppliers        speed to market advantage, they also
          has previously emphasised the lower   of aircraft parts to on-time delivery        run the risk of being delayed with
          purchase costs of the A330 compared   has been substantial – and visible.          bleeding-edge teething issues. Yet the
          with the 787, and while that has not   The engine-less A320neo “gliders”           737 MAX is hitting the same glider
          prevented the Dreamliner’s success in   that first started appearing at Airbus     problems as the A320neo, just years
          long-range markets it is not optimised   aprons at Hamburg Finkenwerder,           later.
          for the middle-of-the-market.   Toulouse Blagnac and Tianjin Binhai                  Boeing did not cover itself with
            Could the poorly-selling     caused wags to nickname the new                     glory in its design and production of
          A330-800neo be re-envisaged and   generation of aircraft “no engine                the 787, from the management of its
          reborn to attack the middle of the   option”. There’s little reason to think       global supply chain to electrical issues,
          market from the top – or could a fleet   that Boeing has a better grasp on         from battery fires to fuel leaks, from
          of inexpensive late-model downrated   the situation, and indeed dozens             emergency landings to airworthiness
          A330-200s be a deal too good to pass   of engineless aircraft at Renton            reviews.
          up for a cost-conscious airline?  demonstrate the Seattle area has its               With Boeing’s NMA using new
            “The A330-800 is an A330 at the   own gliding club issues to resolve.            technology – and especially engines
          end of the day,” Airbus’s Toro-Prieto   Meanwhile, engine delays hit the           created for a new category of aircraft,
          says. “The interesting thing, like all   A330neo program, while in-service         due to be selected within the coming
          the A330s, when you’re looking into   powerplant woes have continued to    Airlines almost always have an   months – it will be for Seattle to
          what the A330 is doing today, is that   impact Boeing 787s across the world,   option to upgauge their orders,   deliver on the promises it will be
          it’s doing pretty much everything that   creating a shortfall of narrowbody   as Virgin Australia did to the   making to serve this market of its own
          you want. You will find A330s in very   aircraft as lessors wet and dry have   737 MAX 10 . boeing  creation.
          short operations, on 30-minute flights,
          and A330s in operation today that are
          flying, for example, from Buenos Aires
          to Europe. So you will have all the
          depth and breadth of these operations
          in the same platforms. That’s proving
          that this is a very flexible platform
          and that it can adapt to do different
            But is it too much plane? “It’s for
          the airline to decide,” says Toro-
          Prieto, “taking into account the type
          of operation that they would like, and
          what is the design weight out of what
          we’re offering today that they will be
          interested in. [They can] then go for a
          low maximum takeoff weight, if they
          want to be operating only this type of
          short sectors.”
            “A lot of airlines are trying to escape
          from high aircraft specialisation. You
          need to have significantly big fleets
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