Page 67 - AA 2018_11
P. 67


                                                                                               “It’s integrated with the fire
                                                                                             distribution centre, so fundamentally
                                                                                             you drive up, you extend the mast
                                                                                             and exercise your data link with the
                                                                                             fire distribution centre, and you are
                                                                                             operating and the package remotely
                                                                                             hides. So, you are going to end up with
                                                                                             a very good radar combination, a very
                                                                                             good passive sensor, and of course
                                                                                             the potential of two different types of
                                                                                               The re-packaging and integration
                                                                                             work for the MTS-A will be completed
                                                                                             in Australia.
                                                                                               “We’re not creating a new sensor,
                                                                                             but the application is unique to
                                                                                             Australia,” said Ward.
                                                                                               To conduct this integration work
                                                                                             as well as ongoing development work
                                                                                             on this and other programs, Raytheon
                                                                                             plans to establish an integration
                                                                                             laboratory in Adelaide.
                                                                                             Wider opportunities
                                                                                             The selection of Raytheon Australia
                                                                                             as prime system integrator on the
                                                                                             short-range ground-based air-defence
                                                                                             program opens up possibilities for
                                                                                             common elements from the company’s
                                                                                             stable or those of its partners to be
                                                                                             adapted to the other ADF programs.
                                                                                               “What we understand is, the inner
                                                                                             tier is the short-range GBAD which is
                                                                                             LAND 19, the middle tier is medium-
                                                                                             range GBAD which is AIR 6500, and
          the US HMMVV, while the canister                                                   then the outer tier will fundamentally
          launcher would be carried by the                                                   be provided by the Air Warfare
          Army’s new Rheinmetall MAN HX77                                                    Destroyers and possibly other things,”
          trucks. Army is considering both                                                   Ward said.
          options.                                                                             “While the LAND 19 solution is
            “The HML mounted on the back                                                     being delivered for Army, of course
          of a Hawkei vehicle would give Army                                                its command and control has to be
          greater mobility than they would                                                   integrated into the ADF’s wider IAMD
          get out of a canister launcher, but                                                environment,” he noted.
          the canister also has a number of                                                    “As it stands at the moment,
          advantages. A mix of both is optimal,”                                             AIR 6500 Phase 2 will be a medium-
          Ward said.                                                                         range ground-based air and missile
            The proposed enhanced NASAMS                                                     defence system which is currently
          configuration’s primary sensor will                                                planned for Air Force.”
          be a CEA Technologies phased array                                                   Raytheon has several other
          radar.                                                                             products in its portfolio which
            “It sits on a Hawkei vehicle, so it’s                                            would be considered for AIR 6500,
          much smaller than what you would   ability to take its architecture and     The CEA Tactical Radar, or   including the previously-mentioned
          have seen previously,” Ward said.   repackage it very rapidly and very cost-  CEATAC, mounted on a Hawkei   AMRAAM-ER which could be
            CEA Technologies unveiled its   effectively to deliver key capability.”  vehicle at the recent Land   added to LAND 19 with the MkII
          prototype land-based CEA Tactical   Another key element of the   Forces expo. andrew mclaughlin  cannister solution. It also has the
          Radar, or CEATAC, mounted on a   enhanced NASAMS configuration is the              combat-proven Patriot surface-to-air
          Hawkei vehicle, at the recent Land   integration of a passive MTS-A electro-       missile system which has a genuine
          Forces expo in Adelaide.       optical infrared (EO/IR) sensor with the            anti-ballistic missile capability and
            “From my perspective, this is just   system.                                     has been integrated with numerous
          an excellent example of Australian   “We’ve completed the design for               sensors including a new Raytheon-
          industry contributing in a way we   the EO/IR sensor on the back of the            developed Gallium nitride (GaN)
          would envisage for a sovereign   Hawkei,” Ward said.                               AESA radar which could easily make
          capability,” Merv Davis, CEO of CEA   “The sensor will operate in a                way for a CEA system.
          Technologies told ADBR at Land   ground mode, so we’ll package it in a               That would offer a capability
          Forces.                        Tricon container and mount it on the                a world away from the old
            “More broadly, it highlights CEA’s   back of the Hawkei.                         Bloodhound.
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