Page 60 - AA 2018_11
P. 60


        market size and demand? What new   airframer is keen to sell more (indeed,
        operators could establish themselves   at this point it’s practically ‘any’) re-
        in less constrained airports in the   engined A330-800neo aircraft.
        ASEAN region, creating hub networks   From Boeing, it’s the 737 MAX 10
        spanning the equator?          and the 787 Dreamliner, and while
          Right now, airlines are rather in the   the former has lower acquisition and
        position of Goldilocks: a narrowbody   operating costs than the A321neo,
        may be too small and too short-  the latter is more expensive than an
        ranged, a widebody may be too big   A330-200.
        and inefficient over shorter distances,   The problem for both airframers
        but there’s nothing just right.  is that the narrowbody is not enough
          But with more efficient engines for   aircraft, and the widebody is too much
        narrowbodies (enter the 737 MAX   aircraft. Looking objectively, however,
        and the A320neo), with the cost of   the gap between them is greater for
        acquisition and operation of existing   Boeing than it is for Airbus, which
        widebodies becoming more efficient   offers more capable narrowbodies and
        (cue the A330ceo, A330neo and 787),   a less expensive widebody.
        as well as the efficiencies of operating   The market was not convinced by
        fewer fleet types, there’s certainly an   Boeing’s offering of the 737 MAX 9
        argument that the middle of the market   to compete with the A321neo, which        will come back to us and say: ‘we’re
        is being squeezed from either side.  outsold the Boeing jet by around   ‘The problem   going to be up-converting and we’re
          So, why not just use a 767 or A330?   five to one before the launch of the       going to, instead of getting delivered
        Largely, that’s what airlines do. But   stretched, but lower range, MAX 10.  for both   an A320, go for an A321.”
        these jets are sometimes too much   A key aspect to note when                        Looking to the line at present, “we
        aircraft for a route, both in terms of   considering the size of the market   airframers   are seeing today already in terms of
        capacity and range, given that the   is that the eventual numbers for the          the amount or the percentage of A321
        smaller A330, the -200 version, has   larger versions of both narrowbody   is that the   going 20, 30 per cent,” Toro-Prieto
        a range of some 7,300nm, and the   aircraft are somewhat underestimated            says. “I think that in the coming
        767-300ER reaches nearly 6,000nm   as the result of the way aeroplanes are   narrowbody   years we’re going to get towards this
        – significantly more than required,   paid for. Pre-delivery payments are          objective that was mentioned months
        which is not efficient. And in efficiency   calculated on the basis of the delivery   is not enough   ago, when John Leahy [Airbus’s
        terms, the 767 and older A330s do   price, which is naturally lower for an         former sales supremo] was still
        not have the cost advantages of newer   A320 or 737 MAX 8 than an A321LR   aircraft, and   around, when he was saying ‘ideally
        aircraft.                      or a 737 MAX 10.                                    at some moment in the future I would
          As passenger demand expands    Airframers, however, love to deliver   the widebody   expect to see a 50 per cent production
        too, and especially in areas where it   the larger aircraft, since they cost       rate.’ We are not there yet, and we will
        outpaces the possibility of airport   more yet take up the same amount of   is too much.’  need to see from the industrial point of
        construction, there is natural upward   space on the assembly line. Airlines       view what we will need to do to adapt
        pressure on aircraft size. There is   therefore almost always have an              that. But with the current demand and
        upward size pressure too, from slot   option to upgauge their orders, pretty       as the airlines look to bigger models,
        restrictions.                  much at any time before assembly                    what we’re seeing is a higher interest
          An airline flying a smaller 757 or   begins, but the initial orders are for      towards the A321.”
        A321 across the Atlantic to London   the smaller jets, with conversions              On the Boeing side, in pure
        Heathrow is likely not making the   coming afterwards – as seen this               passenger size terms, the MAX 9 and
        best use of those seven-figure LHR   August with Virgin Australia’s                MAX 10 are certainly valuable and
        slot prices. It’s a similar story at other   MAX 10 announcement.                  useful aircraft, and will serve well on
        congested airports around the world,   In terms of the percentage                  transcontinental US and Australian
        like Hong Kong, Beijing, Tokyo   of A321neos being ordered and                     routes, as well as shorter-range flights.
        Haneda, and so on.             produced, says Airbus’s Joaquin                     They are lighter than their A320
          This both pushes smaller     Toro-Prieto, “we know that we are                   family equivalents, but do not have the
        narrowbody operators to fly larger   on the way up. In some ways it’s              same range or runway performance
        versions, making an argument for   complicated to say. The reason for that         – the MAX 9 maxes out at 3,550nm
        a middle-of-market aircraft, and   is because a lot of the airlines, when          and the 10 at 3,300nm, which
        pushes the middle-of-market demand   they’re ordering aircraft from us – and       hampers their attack of the middle-of-
        upwards as well, making an argument   that’s the case for a lot of lessors – they   the-market from the narrowbody end.
        that the middle-of-the-market could   will decide to order the smaller variant     To simplify to perhaps an extreme, the
        use an A330 or 787.            A320 because in terms of pre-delivery               greatest issue for the MAX serving the
                                       payments and early payments, the                    MOM is the lack of ground clearance
        Spoiler alert: Airbus’s and Boeing’s   aircraft tag price is lower than an A321.”  on the 737 for newer, larger, more
        starting point is based on their   Since these pre-delivery payments               efficient turbofan engines.
        existing aircraft              are calculated on the price of the                    Airbus rather ate Boeing’s lunch
        As of the time of writing, the offering   variant ordered, Toro-Prieto says,       with the A321neo as a result, which
        at the narrowbody end from Airbus is   “they will be advancing less money at       has an official 4,000nm range for 206
        the A321neo and its extra-fuel-tanks   the beginning. Then later on, since we      passengers in its A321LR version,
        variant, the A321LR. At the widebody   provide flexibility to change between       nearly 100nm of official range more
        end, it’s the Airbus A330, particularly   A320 to A321neos, when we offer          than the 757-200 it is intended to
        the -200 version, although the   them those conversion windows they                replace in the world’s fleet.

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