Page 57 - AA 2018_11
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to be established, such as electronic
flight strips, surveillance displays and ‘At other
airfield lighting, a temporary solution
that would take around three hours to times, such
become operational.
But a digital solution will allow as shoulders
Airways to replicate the existing
control tower in the time taken by staff of the day, we
to move from the existing building
to the digital tower site. This digital could operate
tower operation will be located in the
new air traffic control centre under a flight
construction about 800m from the
existing tower and is likely to be information
operational around the mid-2020s.
In time, a digital tower contingency service.’
solution will also be provided for
Wellington and Christchurch. MIKE TURNER
For regional airports, it is likely
that Airways will provide a digital
tower service to a number of locations
from a central site.
“At the moment we are in the
exploratory stage about the scope of
the digital tower service,” Turner said.
“We are exploring with airlines, the Frequentis has provided Not all locations are suited to
Civil Aviation Authority and airports, equipment to improve data capacity electronic flight strips for digital tower services. Cameras may
around opportunities to provide and performance. It is also involved have difficulty picking up small
a service for a number of airports in international forums to develop the Auckland tower. frequentis aircraft and infrared technology does
from one location, as well as possibly technology, including studies around not work particularly well in very
adjusting the type of service provided the numbers of locations that can be humid conditions. Unless surveillance
during the course of the day. controlled by a single controller from a is provided at ground level, small
“For example, we might provide centralised facility. aircraft operating in poor weather
an air traffic control service at times Frequentis has built the capability conditions could be difficult to see.
when RPT operations are taking place. into its electronic flight strips Locations with movements
At other times, such as shoulders to identify an aircraft speaking predominantly by small aircraft,
of the day, we could operate a flight to a controller. Mark Robinson, no surveillance and poor weather
information service.” Frequentis’s digital towers expert, conditions may still favour the
Airways projects that in the next said that while an air traffic controller presence of a control tower.
10 years around four or five control can, potentially, control up to three Furthermore, today’s digital
towers will need to be replaced. airports at the same time, he or she tower technology is likely unsuited to
This will be the impetus for the can only talk to one aircraft at a time. military air bases with their sporadic,
“New procedures and practices are
widespread introduction of digital needed for this to be done safely,” he complex operations by fast-moving
tower technology, along with decisions said. aircraft.
regarding the location of central “The major issue is knowing exactly But in locations where digital tower
facilities and the nature and scope of which aircraft is transmitting and the technology is suitable, it offers the
services provided. airport where it is operating. Changes Airways is currently evaluating promise of greater service resilience
Tenders for an Invercargill digital to radiotelephony procedures could be tenders for a digital tower and agility at substantially lower cost
tower service are presently being needed to prevent any confusion.” to the aviation community.
evaluated with completion of this part service a Invercargill. airways
of the process by the end of the year.
Installation is expected to take
around 12 months with the service
going operational during 2020 after
commissioning and staff training.
“Airways expect to operate the
digital service from the site on the
airport for around two years before
providing it remotely, probably from
our facility in Christchurch,” Turner
Frequentis was chosen by Airways
in 2017 to demonstrate digital tower
technology at Auckland. It currently
provides Airways with electronic
flight strips, voice communication
equipment and network enhancement
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