Page 16 - 2022Advising Handbook
P. 16

Designing appropriate actions could be very challenging, hence we recommended you to sit with your
               generic/peer advisor, at the beginning of semester and academic year, to develop it. Do not try to be perfect and
               complex at the first time by writing too many actions, but to be very focused and concrete, i.e., try to write
               SMART outcome and describe how the success of these actions look like. Please also indicate what support you
               would need from other, including your professor, advisor, or SAM.

               When complete 1 , 2  step, as well as 3 aspects of the 3  step, you can submit it on Platform of Advising.

               4  step: At semester and year end, you are recommended to seat with your generic/peer advisor and conduct the
               progress check towards actions planed.

               5  step: Write suggestions. The suggestions can be related to financial proposal, such as maintain/upgrade
               scholarships or development proposal such as asking for help in finding research project, internship
               opportunities, taking work study... or any other important activities you might like to improve your own
               capabilities and pursue in the next academic years.

               Your suggestions will be read by your Program Director, your Dean and, when required, by the leaders of
               VinUniversity to support you with appropriate resource.

                 1.ABOUT YOUR GOAL (S)
                 -   About You at graduation time (look, health, finance, job, career potential, values perceived by others...) or
                    anything you think is critical and want to achieve at the end of studying at VinUni.
                 -   About You in 1 year (study, capabilities, skills, health, scholarship, career, financial situation …)  or
                    anything you think is critical and want to achieve at year 1.

                 2.YOUR SELF REFLECTION
                 To get the desired goals, what would be the drivers and what would be your strengths and weakness? In other
                 -   What are your strengths in term of attributes, capabilities?
                 -   What are your ‘to be improved” attributes, capabilities?

                 To get the desired goals, what critical actions/development plan would you take? When finish the first 3 steps
                 and 3 first columns you can submit it to on Platform of Advising.
                    #           Actions            SMART Outcomes       Support needed       Progress self-check
                                  (1)                     (2)                  (3)                   (4)

                 4.YOUR PLAN PROGRESS REVIEW
                 At the end of semester, academic year, it is recommended that you do the progress self-check (column 4),
                 please take advice from your generic/peer advisor to get valuable feedback.

                 5. YOUR SUGGESSTION
                 At semester and year end, you can write suggestions and justify why you think you deserve it

                    -   Financial proposal: maintain/upgrade scholarship
                    -   Award proposal: Dean List/Excel List/President List

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