Page 48 - 2021HHSHandbook2
P. 48

all costs.

             As a general rule, please avoid using the front loop from 2:45 – 3:15 pm due to bus traffic congestion.
             Instead, parent pick-ups after school should make use of the canopy loop off of Stow Road. In addition,
             parents should NOT line up along the curb outside the senior lots as two-way traffic needs to be maintained
             at all times.


             Open, two way communication between the school and parents is vital. Parents are encouraged to contact
             the  classroom  teacher  with  initial  concerns  regarding  school  performance.  If  the  concerns  remain
             unresolved, contact the appropriate guidance counselor. Administrative intervention is the final step.

             Additionally, parents have the right to inspect, upon request, any instructional material used as part of the
             educational curriculum of the student. The parent will have access to the instructional material within a
             reasonable period of time after the request is received by the building principal. The term instructional
             material means instructional content that is provided to a student, regardless of its format, including printed
             and representational materials, audio-visual materials, and material in electronic or digital formats (such as
             materials accessible through the Internet). The term does not include academic tests or assessments.


             1.  Parking permits are non-transferable. Only a student who is registered and hangs an authorized
                permit on the rearview mirror will be permitted to park in the designated student lots. Any missed school
                time will be considered as unexcused. Stolen or lost parking permits must be replaced by purchasing a
                new permit for $30.00.
             2.  Student cars are limited to student lots: Senior, Junior, and Baseball/overflow lots; avoid parking in
                grassy areas. Students who park in the faculty lot will have their parking  privileges  suspended. Students
                who park in the wrong student  lots  or  unauthorized  parking  spots,  will  be  issued  a Wednesday PM
                detention.  In  addition,  repeat  offenders  will  lose  their  flex  pass  privileges  if  applicable.  WE  DO  NOT
                GUARANTEE SPOTS IN THE PARKING LOTS, so if there are no spots in your designated lot, then you
                need to park in the overflow/baseball lot.
             3.  The speed limit on school district property is 15 m.p.h. Drive slowly and carefully. Speeding and/or
                reckless operation of a vehicle will result in disciplinary and/or police action.
             4.  Drivers are to park properly, one space per vehicle, between the designated lines. Drivers are not to park
                in handicapped spots without a State issued handicapped plaque displayed in their front window, fire
                lanes, visitor spots or areas that may obstruct delivery trucks or emergency vehicles, etc.
             5.  Students should park, lock their vehicles and go directly into the building—loitering in parking lot is
             6.  Students are not permitted to smoke or engage in any disruptive behavior while in vehicles on school
             7.  During the school day, a student is not permitted to return to his/her car unless he/she has a pass from
                one of the administrators.
             8.  It becomes the student’s responsibility to arrive to school on time. The attendance office will not
                excuse students who arrive late due to a flat tire, engine trouble, or other transportation related
                excuses.  Students  with  poor  attendance  or  excessive  tardiness  to  school  may  have  their  parking
                privileges suspended or revoked.

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