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Y.  Possession use or threatened use of weapons or other dangerous instruments or any object that might
                  be considered a dangerous weapon or instrument of violence, including counterfeit or look-alike

              Z.  Violation of Federal or State statutes or rules;

              AA. Insubordination or disobedience of school personnel;

              BB.   Fighting;

              CC.   Cheating;

              DD.  Plagiarism;

              EE.  Hazing and intimidation;

              FF. Possession of a knife or firearm;

              GG.  Immorality;

              HH.  Violation of school policies pertaining to dress and appearance;

              II.  Violation of policy prohibiting pocket pagers and other electronic communications devices;

              JJ.  The acts or violations listed in the Board Policy governing permanent exclusion;

              KK. Any other form of behavior which is detrimental to a proper school activity or atmosphere as
                  prescribed by the administration and as outlined in the student/parent handbook for the building in
                  which the student is assigned;

              LL. Other prohibited acts which may result in student discipline which appear in the student. Handbooks
                  of buildings in the District and which have not been specifically stated in this policy are incorporated
                  by reference into the code of student conduct for each building.

           Any other acts prohibited by other Board policies but which are not specifically listed in this policy.

             Refer to Board Policy: 5600                                                       Adopted 8/1/09

             The Board of Education acknowledges that conduct is closely related to learning - an effective instructional
             program requires an orderly school environment and the effectiveness of the educational program is, in part,
             reflected in the behavior of students.

             The  Board  believes  that  the  best  discipline  is  self-imposed  and  that  students  should  learn  to  assume
             responsibility for their own behavior and the consequences of their actions. The Board has zero tolerance
             of violent, disruptive or inappropriate behavior by its students.

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