P. 12

participate. On the day of the trip, any student who has  It is each student's responsibility to meet with the
not earned the privilege to participate in the trip will  teacher to obtain missed assignments and to
remain at school and will be provided an alternate        determine when the makeup work is due.
                                                          HOMEWORK REQUESTS
Guidelines for medication administration during school
                                                          Please refer to page 5.
field trips will follow the current Board of Education
Medication Administration Policy. See MEDICATIONS
                                                          Students will be assigned a locker each year.
for more information.  Students receiving                 Students must purchase a school combination lock
                                                          (Sixth Grade students are provided a lock through
medications on school trips must have the                 school fees). All lock combinations will be filed in the
                                                          Attendance Office. Students must keep their lockers
appropriate medication forms completed with               locked at all times. The locker is to be maintained by
                                                          the student throughout the year, and he/she is
physician and parent signatures.                          responsible for any damages. Students should NOT
                                                          share their locker or combination.
                                                          Lockers are the property of the Board of Education, and
Letter grades are issued at Hudson Middle School, and     the contents of all lockers are subject to random
report cards are sent home with students every nine       searches at any time without regard to whether there is
weeks. Parents may view their child’s progress at any     a reasonable suspicion that any locker, or its contents,
time through Sungard (HAC).                               contains evidence of a violation of a criminal statute or
                                                          school rule.
Grading Scale:
                                                          LOST AND FOUND
      98 -100 A+
      93 - 97 A                                           Lost and found clothing, books, and other material are
      90 - 92 A-                                          on display in the commons on a rack or in the Student
      87 - 89 B+                                          Resource Center. At the end of each quarter, all
      83 - 86 B                                           unclaimed items are donated to a charitable
      80 - 82 B-                                          organization. Please label all belongings.
      77 - 79 C+
      73 - 76 C                                           MEDIA CENTER
      70 - 72 C-
      67 - 69 D+                                          Students may choose to use the Media Center before
      63 - 66 D                                           school, during their study hall or team support, or after
      60 - 62 D-                                          school. All students are required to sign in or have a
      <60 F                                               pass when entering during the school day. Resources
                                                          include reference materials, books, periodicals,
HONOR ROLL                                                newspapers, and audiobooks on CD and Playaway. A
                                                          copy machine (five cents per copy), computers with a
Students' names will be posted every quarter indicating   variety of databases for research, printers and
Distinction Honor Roll (3.5 or better) and Merit Honor    scanners are among the services available for student
Roll (3.0 to 3.49). This is accomplished by transforming  use.
the letter grade of the course into quality points and
totaling the points. After totaling the quality points,   The library program provides classes for students in
divide the number of academic credits into the total for  essential 21st century skills of inquiry, ethical behavior,
the point average. "P" grades are not computed.           technology, information literacy and media literacy as
                                                          well as reading for enjoyment. Classes are designed
HOMEWORK                                                  and scheduled with teachers to support their units of
Homework is assigned to help the student become
more self-reliant, learn to work independently, improve   Students have access to the online catalog, INFOhio
the skills which have been developed and complete         databases, purchased databases and pathfinders 24/7
certain projects such as the reading of worthwhile        through the library website:
books and the preparation of research papers. Home The
study assignments also afford a way for parents to        username and password for the INFOhio databases are
acquaint themselves with the school program and their     USERNAME: Hudson PASSWORD: EXP. Passwords
own children's educational progress.                      for other databases are given to all students.
                                                          Pathfinders include links to guide students to online
Due dates for homework assignments and makeup             resources about specific research topics.
assignments will reflect that religious holidays are
observed differently by different religious groups.       Report cards will be held for all students with
                                                          overdue books and significant fines.
Homework Statement for the Middle School
Homework at the middle school level provides the                                                               11
opportunity to:

       develop organization and time management

       promote communication between the school
            and home,

       encourage parent awareness,
       support responsibility, accountability, and

            independence, and
       practice skills.
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