P. 4

                            STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK AND PLANNER


The Board of Education Policies which appear in the Student/Parent Handbook and opening folder are periodically updated in response to
changes in the law and other circumstances. Therefore, there may have been changes to the documents in the Handbook since it was
printed in the summer of 2015. You may access all current Board of Education policies at by clicking on the BOE
and selecting Policies/Procedures.

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

TOPIC                                            PAGE #       TOPIC                                               PAGE #

District Calendar............................          2      Lost and Found.............................         11
Education Mission Statement…..                         4
                                                              Media Center............ ......................... 11

Academic Curriculum....................                4      Medication................................. ......... 12-13
       Drop Policy………………                              4             Relating to Field Trips........... 10
       Add Policy…………………                              4
       Elective Policy                                4      Messages and Deliveries...................          13
                                                       4-5    Passes.....................................…….....  13
Athletics ........................................            Physical Education Guidelines………                    13
                                                       5-6    Report Cards…....................................   13
Attendance………………...............                        5
       Reporting Absences……                           5      REACH Services ............... .................    13-14
       Homework Requests……                            6      School-Sponsored Activities.……...…                  14
       Advanced Absence...........                    6      School Store......................……...........     14
       Appointments……………                              6      Sungard.................................….......    14
       Excessive Absences………                          6      Student Conduct......….....……....…....              14
       Tardiness to School ………                               Student Code of Conduct...........….….              14-15

Book Bags/Backpacks.……………                              6      Policies relating to:

Student Drop Off/Pick Up………..                          6       Alcohol Use by Students/Student
                                                                 Drug Abuse............................................. 15-17
Bus Conduct............................…..             6
       Suspension of Bus Privileges                   7

Cafeteria/Nutrition Services……….                       7-8

Clinic...............................................  8      • Anti-Harassment.................................. 17-23
       Elevator Key Usage……...                        8       Positive Behavior Intervention …. 23-26
Clubs/Special Groups..........….......                 8      • Bullying ................…. ….............…....... 26-29
Communities/Teams.................…..                  9
Conferences.........….....…..........…                 9      • Personal Communication                            29-30
Counseling Services....….....….......                  9          Devices…..............................
Dances and Social Events....…......                    9
Disciplinary Procedures............…                              Policy on Cheating............................ 30
                                                                  Policy on Computer Use .................. 30
Dress and Grooming Policy........... 9-10                         Hazing…………………………………… 30
                                                                  Removal, Suspension, Expulsion.. 30-33
Emergency School Closing                               10         Search and Seizure…………………... 33
Fire Drill, Tornado Drills..….....                                Student Records ............................. 34-36
                                                                  Use of Tobacco............. .................. 37
Field Trips........................................    10-11      Weapons.......................... .................. 37
                                                              Telephones..............................………...… 37
Grade Information..........…..........                 11     Unpaid Fines/Fees.................……....…. 37
       Honor Roll............................         11     Visitors............................……….......... 37

Homework.......................................        11
Lockers/Locks...............….............             11

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