Page 14 - May Newsletter
P. 14
@ParisaMehran said, to her, MAVR is an extension but to make it more popular, we need to
have specific research groups. She also mentioned that she has good examples of AR (e.g.,
Pokémon Go) and VR (e.g., Google Cardboard) but not of MR. She added that an example of
MR can be Magic Leap but why it is considered as mixed reality is not clear to her.
@heikephilp stated that Magic leap has produced a simple device that can be clipped on a
cardboard to create hands without controllers. @teacherphili asked, “Anyone got a good
example / demo of Magic Leap?” He wanted to know how ‘mixed’ it is. @Eric_Hawkinson said
that Magic Leap has been very closed about demos. “I personally am very suspicious of the
videos they have released. But they got $$$”.
@heikephilp argued that we have had immersive learning since early Second Life times and it
was not adopted. Not even a headset needed and Second Life was popular in 2006-2008.
@Eric_Hawkinson asked for the definition of CALL or MALL and @SophiaMav provided the
following definition: “Back in 1997 Levy defined it as “the search for and study of
applications of the computer in language teaching and learning” but of course there are more
recent definitions.”
@Eric_Hawkinson stated that if you were to follow the logic, you could replace computer
in this definition with augmented and virtual technology, but it would not be accurate. In
his opinion, this evolution has become more than about the technology. Eric has been
focusing on how human interaction with this new media is different.