Page 7 - Lomand March 19
P. 7

Quick Quote: 9.9% APR Representative

                                   96Months illustration                    120Months illustration
      Loan Amount
                            Monthly      Total   Total Charge         Monthly      Total    Total Charge
                            Payment   Repayable   For Credit          Payment    Repayable   For Credit

        £1,000.00           £14.90     £1,430.40   £430.40             £12.93    £1,551.60    £551.60
        £2,000.00           £29.80     £2,860.80   £860.80             £25.86    £3,103.20   £1,103.20

        £3,000.00           £44.70     £4,291.20  £1,291.20            £38.79    £4,654.80   £1,654.80

        £4,000.00           £59.60     £5,721.60  £1,721.60            £51.72    £6,206.40   £2,206.40
        £5,000.00           £74.50     £7,152.00  £2,152.00            £64.65    £7,758.00   £2,758.00

        £6,000.00           £89.40     £8,582.40  £2,582.40            £77.57    £9,308.40   £3,308.40

        £7,000.00           £104.30   £10,012.80  £3,012.80            £90.50    £10,860.00  £3,860.00

        £8,000.00           £119.20   £11,443.20  £3,443.20           £103.43    £12,411.60  £4,411.60
        £9,000.00           £134.10   £12,873.60  £3,873.60           £116.36    £13,963.20  £4,963.20

       £10,000.00           £149.00   £14,304.00  £4,304.00           £129.29    £15,514.80  £5,514.80

       £11,000.00           £163.90   £15,734.40  £4,734.40           £142.22    £17,066.40  £6,066.40

       £12,000.00           £178.80   £17,164.80  £5,164.80           £155.15    £18,618.00  £6,618.00
       £13,000.00           £193.70   £18,595.20  £5,595.20           £168.08    £20,169.60  £7,169.60

       £14,000.00           £208.60   £20,025.60  £6,025.60           £181.01    £21,721.20  £7,721.20

       £15,000.00           £223.50   £21,456.00  £6,456.00           £193.94    £23,272.80  £8,272.80

       £16,000.00           £238.40   £22,886.40  £6,886.40           £206.86    £24,823.20  £8,823.20
       £17,000.00           £253.30   £24,316.80  £7,316.80           £219.79    £26,374.80  £9,374.80

       £18,000.00           £268.20   £25,747.20  £7,747.20           £232.72    £27,926.40  £9,926.40

       £19,000.00           £283.10   £27,177.60  £8,177.60           £245.65    £29,478.00  £10,478.00

       £20,000.00           £298.00   £28,608.00  £8,608.00           £258.58    £31,029.60  £11,029.60
       £21,000.00           £312.90   £30,038.40  £9,038.40           £271.51    £32,581.20  £11,581.20

       £22,000.00           £327.80   £31,468.80  £9,468.80           £284.44    £34,132.80  £12,132.80

       £23,000.00           £342.70   £32,899.20  £9,899.20           £297.37    £35,684.40  £12,684.40
       £24,000.00           £357.60   £34,329.60  £10,329.60          £310.30    £37,236.00  £13,236.00

       £25,000.00           £372.50   £35,760.00  £10,760.00          £323.23    £38,787.60  £13,787.60

       The above examples are for illustration and internal purposes only. This document is not intended to be a
     credit quotation. Full written details are available on request. This is not an offer of credit as all credit is subject
                                                    to status.
                              This document is for internal purposes and not to be shown to customers
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