Page 13 - MARKED DSBMK1A2 marking schedule ONLY
P. 13

Learning Outcome 8: Create project plans for project briefs

               Evidence  Requirement 8.1:  Project  initiation  documents  are  developed  for a  sales  and marketing
               Range:  Individual  Deliverables;  Work  Breakdown  Structure;  Milestones;  Project  Network  Diagram;
               Project  Schedule;  Roles  and  Responsibilities  List;  Quality  Management  System;  Communications
               Management Strategy; Risk Management Plan; Legal Requirements; Budget.

               The content in the table below relates to Part B.

               Item                                                                           Achieved /
               No.       Evidence Statements       Judgement Statements                     Yet to Achieve

               1           The individual           A list of deliverables is provided for the
                            deliverables of a sales    sales and marketing project identified
                            and marketing project      in Part A.
                            are identified (for Task
                                                     The list meets the ‘minimum
                                                       requirements’ stated in the
                                                       assessment instructions.

                                                     Minor errors are allowed.

               2           A work breakdown         A work breakdown structure is
                            structure for a sales      provided for the sales and marketing
                            and marketing project      project identified in Part A.
                            is prepared (for Task
                                                     The list meets the ‘minimum
                                                       requirements’ stated in the
                                                       assessment instructions.
                                                     Minor errors are allowed.

               3           A list of milestones for     A list of milestones is provided for the
                            a sales and marketing      sales and marketing project identified
                            project is prepared (for   in Part A.
                            Task Five).
                                                     The list meets the ‘minimum
                                                       requirements’ stated in the
                                                       assessment instructions.

                                                     Minor errors are allowed.

               K1A2 v1.0                                    30                                                                                   Version 1.0
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