Page 10 - MARKED DSBMK1A2 marking schedule ONLY
P. 10

2          The ‘Executive            A relevant need for the project is
                            Summary’ section is        identified.
                            correctly completed      Three relevant options of solutions are
                            (for Task Two).            given. One of these options must
                                                       involve ‘doing nothing’.

                                                     One of the options is identified as the
                                                       solution to the need.
                                                     A clear and logical explanation is given
                                                       as to why the solution is being chosen.

               3          The ‘Expected Benefits’    At least two relevant expected benefits
                            section is correctly       are identified.
                            completed (for Task
                                                     Benefits identified in the draft business
                                                       case (Task One) are included.

               4          The ‘Expected Impacts’    At least two relevant expected impacts
                            section is correctly       are identified.
                            completed (for Task
                                                     Impacts identified in the draft business
                                                       case (Task One) are included.
                                                     Impacts do not involve financial costs.

               5          The ‘Scope Statement’     At least one relevant final deliverable
                            section is correctly       of the project is identified.
                            completed (for Task
                                                     A detailed description is given for each
                                                       final deliverable identified.

                                                     It is likely that all relevant final
                                                       deliverables for the project have been
                                                     It is identified as to whether there are
                                                       any scope tolerances and, if there are,
                                                       these are stated.

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