Page 14 - MARKED DSBMK1A2 marking schedule ONLY
P. 14
4 A project network A project network diagram using the
diagram for a sales and ‘activity on the node’ format is
marketing project is developed for the sales and marketing
developed (for Task project identified in Part A.
The list meets the ‘minimum
requirements’ stated in the
assessment instructions.
Minor errors are allowed.
5 A project schedule for A project schedule is developed for the
a sales and marketing sales and marketing project identified
project is developed in Part A.
(for Task Seven).
The schedule is given in the form of
either a Gantt Chart or a List Schedule.
The schedule meets the ‘minimum
requirements’ stated in the
assessment instructions.
Minor errors are allowed.
6 A roles and A roles and responsibilities list is
responsibilities list prepared for the sales and marketing
showing the project project identified in Part A.
team structure for a
The list meets the ‘minimum
sales and marketing
requirements’ stated in the
project is prepared (for
assessment instructions.
Task Eight).
Minor errors are allowed.
7 A quality management A quality management system is
system for a sales and prepared for the sales and marketing
marketing project is project identified in Part A.
prepared (for Task
The system meets the ‘minimum
requirements’ stated in the
assessment instructions.
The quality management plan may be
combined with the list of milestones
(for Task Five).
Minor errors are allowed.
K1A2 v1.0 31 Version 1.0