Page 7 - MARKED DSBMK1A2 marking schedule ONLY
P. 7
Learning Outcome 7: Develop a project brief, inclusive of a budget, to address operational
needs or opportunities for a business
Evidence Requirement 7.1: A draft business case for an operational project is developed.
The content in the table below also relates to Part A, Task One.
Item Evidence Statements Judgement Statements Achieved /
No. Yet to Achieve
1 A draft business case A relevant title is given which includes
for an operational the phrase ‘draft business case’ and
project is given in a indicates the project relates to an
suitable format (for operational need or opportunity.
Task One).
The business case is no more than 1.5
pages in length (typed).
Content is written in full sentences.
Sentences are well-written.
Consider: clarity; grammar; spelling.
K1A2 v1.0 24 Version 1.0