Page 3 - MARKED DSBMK1A2 marking schedule ONLY
P. 3

3          The draft business case     At least one relevant party with whom
                            for the sales and          the tauira intends to demonstrate
                            marketing project          effective negotiation with, or have a
                            includes content which     positive influence on, is identified.
                            indicates the project     It must be likely that the proposed
                            will satisfy               solution (the project) will enable tauira
                            requirements for           to demonstrate effective negotiation
                            Kōnae Ako 2 (for Task      with (or have a positive influence on)
                            One).                      each party identified.

                                                     At least one relevant stakeholder with
                                                       whom the tauira intends to develop
                                                       and maintain an operational business
                                                       relationship is identified.

                                                     It must be likely that the proposed
                                                       solution (the project) will enable tauira
                                                       to develop and maintain a business
                                                       relationship with each stakeholder

               Has the tauira achieved each of the above three requirements?                   Yes / No

               Evidence Requirement 6.2: A full business case, inclusive of a budget, is developed for a sales and
               marketing project.
               The content in the table below relates to Part A, Task Two.

               Item     Evidence Statements        Judgement Statements                       Achieved /
               No.                                                                           Yet to Achieve

               1          A full business case for     A title is given which includes the
                            a sales and marketing      phrase ‘full business case’.
                            project is given in a
                                                     The full business case relates to the
                            suitable format (for
                                                       sales and marketing project identified
                            Task Two).
                                                       in Task One.
                                                     Each of the eight components of the
                                                       business case is clearly and correctly

                                                     Content is mainly written in full

                                                     Sentences are well-written.
                                                       Consider: clarity; grammar; spelling.

               K1A2 v1.0                                    20                                                                                   Version 1.0
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