Page 2 - MARKED DSBMK1A2 marking schedule ONLY
P. 2

2          The draft business case     The problem the project aims to solve
                            for the sales and          is identified. This is clearly a ‘problem’
                            marketing project          as opposed to a general statement
                            contains the required      about the business.
                            information (for Task     A solution to the problem which
                            One).                      involves carrying out a sales and
                                                       marketing project is identified.

                                                     It must be highly likely the solution will
                                                       take approximately 155 hours of tauira
                                                       time to implement.

                                                     Either at least one relevant financial
                                                       cost of the solution is identified OR a
                                                       relevant explanation is given as to why
                                                       there will not be any financial costs.

                                                     At least one relevant benefit of the
                                                       solution is identified.
                                                     At least one relevant impact of the
                                                       solution is identified.

                                                     Any impacts identified are negative
                                                       consequences which do not involve
                                                       financial costs.
                                                     A timeframe for the project is
                                                       identified which is within the time
                                                       constraints of the programme.

                                                     Content is written in a way that
                                                       explains why the project is both
                                                       feasible and desirable.

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