Page 104 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 104



           Non- Profit Organisations (Originally tabled APP)

           Outcome     Reduced levels poverty ,inequality, vulnerable and social ills
                                                                                                                                           Reasons for Deviation
                                                                                                                        Actual Outputs
           Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement  Actual Achievement  Annual target  Actual Outputs  Reasons for deviation      Reasons for revision of
                                                                                                                                           from 2020/21 target
                                     2018/2019         2019/2020           2020/21        2020/2021            from 2020/21 target        the Annual Target
          Turnaround   % of new      N/A              A total of 33 065 NPO   98% of all new   During the first quarter,   Lockdown due to Covid-19   Physical restrictions,
          time on NPO  application                    applications were    application    a total of 5 093 NPO   made it difficult for officials to   rotational staff
          registration  processed within              received and 32 552   processed     registration         process NPO applications as it   members and
                       two months                     were processed, of   within two     applications were    requires online connection and   insufficient tools of
                                                      which 32 299 (97.7%)   months       received and 2 226   tools of trade. The current   trade.
                                                      were processed within               were processed. Of   capacity of personnel with the
                                                      two months                          those processed, 1 645   tools of trade to be able to
                                                                                          (32%) were processes   work remotely will not be able
                                                                                          within two months    to address high influx of online
                                                                                                               applications during the
                                                                                                               Covid-19 period

           NPO         % of NPO      N/A              A total of 59 118 NPO   80% of      During the first quarter,   Lockdown due to Covid-19   Physical restrictions,
           compliance   monitoring                    reports were         monitoring     a total of 4 778 reports   made it difficult for officials to   rotational staff
           monitoring  reports                        processed, and 55 866   reports     were received and 3   process NPO annual reports as   members and lack
                       processed within               of which 26 178      processed      057 were processed. Of   it requires online connection   tools of trade.
                       two months                     (44.3%) were processed  within two   those processed, 2 659   and tools of trade
                                                      within two months    months         (55.6%) were processes
                                                                                          within two months

           NPO         % of NPOs     N/A               N/A                 40% of NPOs    Target not achieved   Due to Covid-19 lockdown   Due to Covid-19
           education   registered within                                   registered                          regulations which restrict   lockdown
           and         3 months                                            within three                        travelling, the Department was   regulations which
           awareness   participate in                                      months                              unable to conduct education   restrict travelling.
           programmes  education and                                       participate in                      and awareness programmes to
           implemented  awareness                                          education and                       NPOs registered within 3
                       programmes                                          awareness                           months

            DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT  ANNUAL REPORT 2020/21                104
   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109