Page 105 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 105
Non- Profit Organisations (Re-tabled APP)
Outcome Reduced levels poverty ,inequality, vulnerable and social ills
Outputs Output Actual Achievement Actual Achievement Annual target Actual Outputs Reasons for Deviation from
indicator 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/21 2020/2021 2020/21 target
NPO Policy NPO Policy N/A N/A Draft NPO policy NPO Policy has been No deviation
frameworksubmitte framework framework finalised
d for approval finalised
Turnaround time on % of new N/A A total of 33 065 NPO 30% of all new A total of 22 685 NPO The target was set based on the
NPO registration application applications were received and application applications were received number of officials with IT
processed 32 552 were processed, of processed within and 13 621 were processed. equipment during lockdown and
within two which 32 299 (97.7%) were two months Of those processed, 12 551 the set daily targets. Additional IT
months processed within two months (55%) were processed within resources were provided to officials
two months and this has led to the target being
NPO compliance % of NPO N/A A total of 59 118 NPO reports, 50% of monitoring A total of 29 780 NPO The target was set based on the
monitoring monitoring were processed, and 55 866 of reports processed reports, were received and number of officials with IT
reports which 26 178 (44.3%) were within two months 18 809 were processed. Of equipment during lockdown and
processed processed within two months those processed, 17 950 the set daily targets. Additional IT
within two (60.3%) were processed resources were provided to officials
months within two months and this has led to the target being
Maintain NPO Reliable N/A N/A Enhancement of The NPO online system was No deviation
Register (reliable updated NPO the NPO online enhanced. The NPO System
and up-to-date Register system implementation report for
information) the enhancement was
DSD Sector Number of Implementation of the As part of facilitating the Three provinces Three provinces namely; No deviation
Funding Policy Provinces DSD Sector Funding implementation of DSD Sector Implementing DSD Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal
Implemented implementing Policy facilitated Funding Policy the following Sector Funding and North West,
DSD Sector through stakeholder were achieved: Policy implemented the Sector
Funding Policy engagements with The DSD Sector Funding Policy Funding Policy
internal and external was presented at various
stakeholders. forums.
Funding norms for Service Level Agreement (SLAs)
child and youth care templates for were reviewed for
workers were alignment with the revised
developed and Policy.
standardised across Protocol on prioritization and
provinces. list of names was developed