Page 106 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 106



          Non- Profit Organisations (Re-tabled APP)
           Outcome     Functional, efficient and integrated sector

           Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement  Actual Achievement                Annual target        Actual Outputs          Reasons for deviation
                                     2018/2019             2019/2020                          2020/21              2020/2021               from 2020/21 target

          DSD/ NPO    Number of      Facilitated           As part of facilitating the        Three Provinces       Three provinces, namely;   No deviation
          partnership   provinces    implementation of the   implementation of DSD-NPO        implementing DSD-     Eastern Cape, Northern
          model        implementin   DSD-NPO Partnership   Partnership Model the following were   NPO Partnership   Cape and Limpopo,
          implemented g DSD NPO      Model through         achieved:                          Model                 implemented the
                       partnerships   consultative         •  The Model was presented at various                    DSD-NPO Partnership
                       model         engagements with the   forums.                                                 Model
                                     relevant stakeholders   •  Partnership tools and templates were
                                     for information sharing,   developed.
                                     education and         Eight provinces were capacitated on
                                     awareness.            Partnership Model except Western Cape

          Social Policy (Re-tabled APP)

           Outcome     Reduced levels poverty ,inequality, vulnerable and social ills
           Outputs    Output indicator  Actual Achievement  Actual Achievement                Annual target        Actual Outputs          Reasons for deviation
                                     2018/2019             2019/2020                          2020/21              2020/2021               from 2020/21 target

          Evidence    Number of      N/A                   N/A                                Develop and           Four research and policy   No deviation
          based       research and                                                            disseminate four      briefs developed and
          advisory on   policy briefs                                                         research and policy   disseminated
          social policy  developed                                                            briefs

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