Page 233 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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          Report on the audit of the annual performance report   Other matters                                                                27. The other information I obtained prior to the date of   32.  At the request of the president, a proactive interim
          Introduction and scope                                  19. I draw attention to the matters below.                                     this auditor’s report is the draft annual report, and the   audit was performed on the covid-19 pandemic relief
           14.  In accordance with the Public Audit Act 25 of 2004                                                                               final annual report is expected to be made available   response  in  the  social  development  portfolio.  The
              (PAA) and the general notice issued in terms thereof, I   Achievement of planned targets                                           to me after 31 August 2021.                        audit covered the period 1 May 2020 to 31 October
              have a responsibility to report on the usefulness and   20. Refer to the annual performance report on pages 37 to               28. If, based on the work I have performed on the other   2020. The first special report on the financial manage-
              reliability  of  the  reported  performance  information   107 for information on the achievement of planned                       information that I obtained prior to the date of this   ment of government’s covid-19 initiatives was issued
              against  predetermined  objectives  for  selected      targets for the year and management’s explanations                          auditor’s report, I conclude that there is a material   on 2 September 2020 and the second one was issued
              programmes presented in the annual performance         provided for the under-/ overachievement of targets.                        misstatement in this other information, I am required   on 9 December 2020.
              report.  I  performed  procedures  to  identify  material                                                                          to report that fact. I have nothing to report in this   33.  An independent consultant was investigating allega-
              findings but not to gather evidence to express assur-  Adjustment of material misstatements                                         regard.                                            tions of fraudulent expenditure payments relating to
              ance.                                               21.  I  identified  material  misstatements  in  the  annual                 29.  When I do receive and read the final annual report, if   social relief of distress grants (SRD) distributed during
           15. My procedures address the usefulness and reliability   performance  report  submitted  for  auditing.  These                      I conclude that there is a material misstatement   the 2017-18 financial year. At the time of this report,
              of the reported performance information, which must    material misstatements were in the reported perfor-                         therein, I am required to communicate the matter to   the investigation was in the reporting phase.
              be based on the department’s approved performance      mance information of programme 4: welfare services                          those charged with governance and request that the
              planning documents. I have not evaluated the           policy development and implementation support. As                           other information be corrected. If the other informa-
              completeness and appropriateness of the perfor-        management  subsequently  corrected  the  misstate-                         tion  is  not  corrected,  I  may  have  to  retract  this
              mance indicators included in the planning documents.   ments,  I  did  not  raise  any  material  findings  on  the                 auditor’s report and re-issue an amended report as
              My  procedures  do  not  examine  whether  the  actions   usefulness and reliability of the reported performance                   appropriate. However, if it is corrected this will not be
              taken by the department enabled service delivery. My   information.                                                                necessary.
              procedures do not extend to any disclosures or asser-                                                                                                                              Pretoria
              tions  relating  to  the  extent  of  achievements  in  the   Report on the audit of compliance with legislation               Internal control deficiencies                        31 August 2021
              current  year  or  planned  performance  strategies  and   Introduction and scope                                               30. I considered internal control relevant to my audit of
              information in respect of future periods that may be   22. In accordance with the PAA and the general notice                       the  financial  statements,  reported  performance
              included as part of the reported performance informa-  issued  in  terms  thereof,  I  have  a  responsibility  to                 information and compliance with applicable legisla-
              tion. Accordingly, my findings do not extend to these   report material findings on the department’s compli-                         tion;  however,  my  objective  was  not  to  express  any
              matters.                                               ance  with  specific  matters  in  key  legislation.  I                      form of assurance on it. I did not identify any signifi-
           16.  I  evaluated  the  usefulness  and  reliability  of  the   performed procedures to identify findings but not to                   cant deficiencies in internal control.
              reported performance information in accordance with    gather evidence to express assurance.
              the criteria developed from the performance manage-  23. I did not identify any material findings on compliance                 Other reports
              ment  and  reporting  framework,  as  defined  in  the   with the specific matters in key legislation set out in                  31. I draw attention to the following engagements
              general notice, for the following selected programme   the general notice issued in ter ms of the PAA.                             conducted  by  various  parties  which  had,  or  could
              presented in the department’s annual performance                                                                                   have, an impact on the matters reported in the depart-
              report for the year ended 31 March 2021:           Other information                                                               ment’s  financial  statements,  reported  performance
                                                                  24.  The  accounting  officer  is  responsible  for  the  other                 information,  compliance  with  applicable legislation
                                                                     information.  The  other  information  comprises  the                       and other related matters. These reports did not form
                                           Pages in the              information included in the annual report. The other
                                           annual                                                                                                part of my opinion on the financial statements or my
              Programmes                                             information does not include the financial statements,                       findings on the reported performance information or
                                           performance report
                                                                     the auditor’s report and those selected programmes                          compliance with legislation.
             Programme 4 – welfare                                   presented in the annual performance report that have
             services policy development       71 to 89              been specifically reported in this auditor’s report.
             and implementation support                           25. My opinion on the financial statements and findings
                                                                     on the reported performance information and compli-
                                                                     ance with legislation do not cover the other informa-
           17. I performed procedures to determine whether the       tion and I do not express an audit opinion or any form
              reported  performance  information  was  properly      of assurance conclusion on it.
              presented and whether performance was consistent    26. In connection with my audit, my responsibility is to
              with the approved performance planning documents.      read the other information and, in doing so, consider
              I performed further procedures to determine whether    whether the other information is materially inconsis-
              the indicators and related targets were measurable     tent  with  the  financial  statements  and  the  selected
              and  relevant,  and  assessed  the  reliability  of  the   programmes presented in the annual performance
              reported  performance information to  determine        report,  or  my  knowledge  obtained  in  the  audit,  or
              whether it was valid, accurate and complete.
           18. I did not identify any material findings on the useful-  otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
              ness  and  reliability  of  the  reported  performance
              information for this programme.

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