Page 324 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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            Notes To The Financial Statements Of The Disaster Relief Fund For The Year Ended
            31 March 2021.

                The annual financial statements have been prepared   •   IGRAP 5: Applying the Restatement Approach
                in  accordance  with  the  effective  Standards  of   under the Standard of GRAP on Financial Report-
                Generally  Recognised  Accounting  Practices  (GRAP)   ing in Hyperinflationary Economies
                including  any  interpretations,  guidelines  and   •   IGRAP 6: Loyalty Programmes
                directives issued by the Accounting Standards Board.  •  IGRAP 7: The Limit of a Defined Benefit Asset,
                                                                    Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interac-
                The following are the principal accounting policies of   tion
                the  Fund  which  are,  in  all  material  respects,   •   IGRAP 8: Agreements for the Construction of
                consistent  with  those  applied  in  the  previous  year,   Assets from Exchange Transactions
                except as otherwise indicated.                    •   IGRAP 9: Distributions of Non-cash Assets to
             1.1   BASIS OF PREPARATION                           •   IGRAP 10: Assets Received from Customers
                The annual financial statements have been prepared   •   IGRAP 11: Consolidation – Special Purpose
                in  accordance  with  the  effective  Standards  of   Entities
                Generally  Recognised  Accounting  Practices  (GRAP)   •   IGRAP 12: Jointly Controlled Entities – Non
                including  any  interpretations,  guidelines  and   Monetary Contributions by Ventures
                directives issued by the Accounting Standards Board.  •   IGRAP 13: Operating Leases – Incentives
                                                                  •   IGRAP 14: Evaluating the Substance of Transac-
                1.1.1 The following approved Standards of GRAP have   tions involving the Legal Form of a Lease
                been  approved  and  issued  by  the  Accounting   •   IGRAP15: Revenue – Barter Transactions involving
                Standards  Board,  but  only  become  effective  in  the   Advertising Services
                future or have not been given an effective date by the   •   IGRAP 16: Intangible Assets – Website Costs
                Minister of Finance. The fund has not early-adopted   •   IGRAP 17: Interpretation of the Standard of GRAP
                any new Standards but has in some cases referred to   on Service Concession Arrangements where a
                them  for  guidance  in  developing  appropriate    Grantor Controls a Significant Residual Interest
                accounting  policies  in  accordance  with  the     in an asset.
                requirements  of  Directive  5:  Determining  the  GRAP
                Reporting Framework:                           1.2 CURRENCY
                                                                  These  financial  statements  are  presented  in  South
                •   GRAP 18: Segment Reporting                    African Rands. All figures are rounded to the nearest
                •   GRAP 20: Related Party Disclosures            one thousand.
                •   GRAP 32: Service Concession Arrangements:
                     Grantor                                   1.3 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIPMENT
                •   GRAP 105: Transfer of Function Between Entities   Items of property, plant and equipment are initially
                     Under common Control                         recognised  as  on  acquisition  date  and  are  initially
                •    GRAP 106: Transfer of Function Between Entities  recorded at cost.
                      Not Under common Control
                •    GRAP 107: Mergers                         1.4 REVENUE RECOGNITION
                •    GRAP 108: Statutory Receivables              Revenue is recognised when it is probable that future
                                                                  economic  benefits  will  flow  to  the  fund  and  these
               1.1.2 The  following  interpretations  have  also  been   benefits can be measured reliably.
               issued  and  are  expected  to  have  an  insignificant   Interest income is accrued on a time proportion basis,
               impact  on  the  financial  statements,  since  they   taking into account the principal outstanding and the
               generally  reflect  the  interpretations  and  principles   effective interest rate over the period to maturity.
               already established under IFRS.                    Income  from  donations  and  grants  are  included  in
                                                                  the grant income when these are received.
                •  IGRAP 1: Applying the Probability Test on initial
                   Recognition of Revenue                      1.6.  INVESTMENTS
                •    GRAP  2:    Changes  in  Existing  Decommissioning   Investments  are  shown  at  cost  including  interest
                   Restoration and Similar Liabilities            capitalised.
                •   IGRAP 3: Determining Whether and Arrangement
                   Contains a Lease                            1.7. COMPARATIVE FIGURES
                •  IGRAP  4:  Rights  to  Interests  Arising  from   Where  necessary,  comparative  figures  have  been
                   Decommissioning, Restoration and Environmental   adjusted  to  conform  to  changes  in  presentation  in
                   Rehabilitation Funds                           the current year.

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