Page 325 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 325



            Notes To The Financial Statements Of The Disaster Relief Fund For The Year Ended
            31 March 2021.

             1.8  FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS                        1.12.   Revenue

                Recognition                                    1.12.1  Revenue from exchange transactions
                Financial assets and liabilities are recognised in the   Revenue  from  exchange  transactions  refers  to
                balance sheet when the Fund becomes a party to the   revenue  that  accrued  to  the  entity  directly  in
                contractual provisions of the instrument.            return  for  services  rendered  or  goods  sold,  the
                                                                     value  of  which  approximates  the  consideration
                Measurement                                          received or receivable.
                Financial instruments are initially measured at cost,
                which  includes  transaction  cost.  Subsequent  to   Interest  revenue  is  recognised  on  a  time
                initial  recognition  these  instruments  are  measured   proportion basis.
                as set out below.
                                                                     Revenue  from  the  rental  of  facilities  and
                Financial assets                                     equipment is recognised on a straight-line basis
                The  Fund’s  principal  financial  assets  are  cash  and   over the term of the lease agreement.
                cash equivalents.
                                                                     Revenue  from  the  sale  of  goods  is  recognised
                Investments                                          when  substantially  all  the  risks  and  rewards  in
                The  investments  are  measured  at  subsequent      those goods is passed to the consumer.
                reporting  dates  at  amortised  cost  by  using  the
                effective  interest  rate  method  if  they  have  a  fixed   1.12.2  Revenue from non-exchange transactions
                maturity or at cost if there is no fixed maturity.    Revenue  from  non-exchange  transactions  refers
                                                                     to transactions where the entity received revenue
                Trade and other receivables                          from  another  entity  without  directly  giving
                Trade  and  other  receivables  are  stated  at  their   approximately equal value in exchange. Revenue
                normal value as reduced by appropriate allowances    from  non-exchange  transactions  is  generally
                for estimated irrecoverable amounts.                 recognised to the extent that the related receipt
                                                                     or receivable qualifies for recognition as an asset
                Cash and cash equivalents                            and there is no liability to repay the amount.
                Cash  and  cash  equivalents  comprise  cash  on  hand
                and  investments.  Cash  and  cash  equivalents  are   Revenue  from  the  recovery  of  unauthorised,
                measured at fair value.                              irregular,  fruitless  and  wasteful  expenditure  is
                                                                     based on legislated procedures.
                Financial Liabilities
                The Fund’s principle financial liabilities are accounts   1.12.3  Grants, transfers and donations
                payable.                                             Grants,  transfers  and  donations  received  or
                All  financial  liabilities  are  measured  at  amortised   receivable  are  recognised  when  the  resources
                cost,  comprising  original  debt  less  principle   that  have  been  transferred  meet  the  criteria  for
                payments and amortisations.                          recognition as an asset. A corresponding liability
                                                                     is raised to the extent that the grant, transfer or
             1.9    EXPENDITURE                                      donation is conditional.
                Expenditure is accounted for on the accrual basis of
                accounting.                                          The liability is transferred to revenue as and when
                                                                     the  conditions  attached  to  the  grant  are  met.
             1.10   Provisions                                       Grants  without  any  conditions  attached  are
                Provisions  are  recognized  when  the  entity  has  a   recognised  as  revenue  when  the  asset  is
                present or constructive obligation as a result of past   recognised.
                events,  it  is  probable  that  an  outflow  of  resources
                embodying  economic  benefits  will  be  required  to
                settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of the
                provision can be made.

                Provisions  are  reviewed  at  reporting  date  and
                adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.

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