Page 328 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 328



            Notes To The Financial Statements Of The Disaster Relief Fund For The Year Ended
            31 March 2021.

             9.1.7 Foreign exchange risk
                  The fund does not hedge foreign exchange fluctuations. The fund does not have any foreign account receivables,
                  foreign accounts payables or derivative market instruments.

             9.1.8 Price risk
                  Due to the nature and extent of the fund, there is no exposure to price risks.

             10.   Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                                                2020/21           2019/20
                      Cash - Bank Deposits                                          1 031            50 732
                  Cash - Corporation for Public Deposits                           30 442            49 260
                  Cash - Public Investment Corporation
                  Total                                                           31 473             99 992

                Credit quality of cash at bank and short term deposits, excluding cash on hand. The credit quality of cash at bank
                and  short  term  deposits,  excluding  cash  on  hand  that  are  neither  past  due  nor  impaired  can  be  assessed  by
                reference to external credit ratings (if available) or historical information about counterparty default rates.

             11.    Retained Income
                                                                                 2020/21           2019/20
                   Accumulated surplus /(Accumulated deficit)                      100 110            95 064
                   Net Profit / Deficit for this year                                 (70 886)          5 046
                   Total                                                           29 224           100,110

             12.    Cash generated from/(utilized in) Operations

                                                                                2020/21           2019/20
                   Surplus/ (deficit) before tax                                           (70 886)                     5 046
                   (Interest received)                                             (1 182)               (6 603)
                   Increase in payables                                            2 372                 -
                   (Increase) in receivables                                          (5)             (118)
                  Net cash flow from operating activities                         (69 701)           (1 675)

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