Page 68 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
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with gang influences. All children who are admitted into
secure care facilities are profiled. The purpose of the
profiling is to ensure that the needs that make them join
gangs additional to their detention orders are assessed as
part of intervention to be provided during detention in
secure care. This is also aimed at protecting other
children under DSD care who are not into gangsterism
from the positively profiled children not to recruit them.
Another key area that was monitored was the existence of
the multi-disciplinary team and its functionality within
the facilities. The functionality of multi-disciplinary team
is one of the systems in the secure care programme and is
integral to the prevention of gangsterism. The monitoring
also assessed the empowerment of staff to be able to
deal with children that incite other children to join gangs.
Among others, the monitoring process identified the
• some provinces did not have approved admission
• other provinces were using assessment processes or
procedures not approved by the Department,
• lack of staff empowerment to deal with children that
incite other children to join gangs,
• there is no standard specification on professional
restrain to disarm children or prevent gangsterism,
• most provinces were trained over three years ago on
techniques for professional restrain of children in
the event there is violence by children, and
• there is no total quality management or an approved
policy for support by relevant stakeholders in the
event of violence as a result of gang influences
As a result, some provinces have developed admission
policies due for approval, while others also developed
standard operating procedures.
Substance Abuse and CDA
Policy and Legislation
The Policy on the Prevention of and Treatment for
Substance Use Disorders was developed and finalised
During the period under review, the Department
during the period under review. The development of the
Policy is part of the process to review the Prevention of
Anti-Gangsterism Strategy. The Strategy was monitored
and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, 2008 (Act No. 70
of 2008). The Act focuses on scaling up prevention,
in six provinces namely; Eastern Cape, Limpopo,
KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape, Gauteng and Mpumalanga.
treatment and rehabilitation strategies in order to
Monitoring reports on the implementation of the strategy
address the scourge of alcohol and drug abuse in the
in Secure Care Facilities were submitted by provinces.
country. The Policy will be tabled for approval in Cabinet
Over and above the six targeted provinces that were
during the 2021/22 financial year. The development of
the Policy for substance abuse contribute to the
monitored, the Free State, North West and Northern Cape
provinces were also monitored, and they submitted the
government priority 4: “Consolidating the Social Wage
reports on implementation of Anti-Gangsterism in the
through Reliable and Quality Basic Services” through the
development of an effective policy framework that will
provinces secure care facilities.
The key areas that were monitored included all facilities
address the impact of alcohol and substance abuse to
that are to put in place systems and techniques to
families, communities and society.
prevent gangsterism and uphold the welfare and safety of
children already in the facilities from those who come
Education and Awareness Campaigns
relation to treatment, care, rehabilitation, recovery and Victim Support Services Bill
During the reporting period, the Department hosted a support. Through the provision of evidence based
Substance Abuse Webinar to commemorate the treatment practices on SUD health care services, the The Department is also leading the process of drafting of The centre is therefore able to reach out to an additional
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit implementation of the UTC has also contributed to the Victim Support Services Bill. The draft VSS Bill was number of beneficiaries as the number of Social Work
Trafficking. The 2020 National theme for the webinar was government priorities such as priority 6: “Social Cohesion published in the Government Gazette for public agents can be increased in each shift. The relocation of
“Value yourself and make healthy choices against and Safe Communities” and priority 3: “Education, Skills comments. The Department held various sessions to the Gender Based Violence Command Centre (GBVCC) to
alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse to minimise the spread and Health” as stipulated on the MTSF 2019 – 2024. incorporate inputs received from the stakeholders and the new premises at Salvokop was completed and the
of Covid-19” The theme emphasized the importance of the public into the Draft Bill. The Draft Bill is now ready new centre was re-launched by the Minister of Social
individuals making good decisions against substance Operationalisation of Treatment Centres for presentation to internal structures within the Development in the company of the Minister of Justice
abuse so that the spreading of Covid-19 is curtailed. Department. and Constitutional Development and the Deputy Minister
Representatives from the South African Medical Research In terms of The Prevention of and Treatment for of Public Works and Infrastructure during the 2020 16
Council, South African National Council on Alcoholism Substance Abuse Act, 2008 (Act No. 70 of 2008) the Gender Based Violence Command Centre (GBVCC) Days of Activism For No Violence Against Women and
and Drug Dependence, United Nations Office on Drugs Department is responsible for establishing, registering Children Campaign. Contribution by the Department of
and Crime, National Council for Smoking and Central and managing treatment centres. National Treasury The Department secured a state-owned facility for the Public Works and Infrastructure is a demonstration of the
Drug Authority presented during the webinar on the link provided the Department with a conditional grant for the Gender-Based Violence Command Centre, through commitment by all government departments to play a
between substance abuse and Covid-19. Child construction and operationalisation of the treatment partnership with the Department of Public Works and role in the fight against the scourge of GBVF in line with
Ambassadors from different provinces participated in the centres in provinces. North West was among the Infrastructure and funding support from the Solidarity the National Strategic Plan on GBV and Femicide.
webinar and engaged the Minister on substance abuse provinces that did not have a public substance abuse Fund. The new premises are spacious and can
issues affecting children and youth and the proposals to treatment centre. During the reporting period, the JB accommodate a total of 30 officials at the same time, an The GBVCC is a telephone service centre in which victims
curb the scourge of substance abuse. Marks Treatment Centre in North West was increase of 15 officials when compared to the old of GBV can call for counselling by qualified Social
operationalised and officially launched by the Minister in facilities. The centre also complies with the regulations Workers. The centre operates for 24 hours daily and calls
Implementation of National Drug Master Plan December 2020. The centre will increase access to relating to the Covid-19 pandemic as it was designed to are received from rural and urban communities of South
(2019-2024) substance abuse treatment services within the accommodate social distancing. Each agent is allocated Africa. The relocation has also reduced costs of delivery
surrounding communities. The construction at their own cubicle with the necessary tools of trade for of services as the new building is owned by the
The National Drug Master Plan (2019-2024) was Botshabelo Treatment Centre has been completed and each workstation. Department of Social Development on a 99-year lease.
launched by the Minister on the International Day against the centre will be operationalised in the 2021/2022
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, as part of the substance financial year.
abuse webinar. Different media platforms were utilized
to reach community members nationally and a total of 10 Funding of national bodies
596 people were reached. A total of seven provincial
Substance Abuse Forums in Eastern Cape, Gauteng, The Department and Central Drug Authority (CDA)
Mpumalanga, Free State, Western Cape, North West and facilitated funding of two national bodies namely, the
KwaZulu-Natal were capacitated on the National Drug South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug
Master Plan 2019 – 2024 during the period under review. Dependence (SANCA) and South African Depression and
Anxiety Group (SADAG). SANCA was funded for the
Implementation of the Universal Treatment Curriculum in establishment and monitoring of aftercare services in
Public Treatment Centers provinces, while SADAG was funded for management of a
24-hour Substance Helpline, provision of counselling,
The Universal Treatment Curriculum (Colombo Plan) was brief intervention and referral where applicable. The
approved by African Union Commission of Ministers helpline can be accessed by all the provinces.
responsible for Drug Control in 2012. South Africa as a
Member State was also encouraged to participate in the Victim Empowerment and Prevention of Gender-Based
implementation of the programme. During the reporting Violence (GBV)
period, the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) was
implemented in three public treatment centers namely, Psychosocial Services Policy and Sheltering Services
Nkangala Treatment Centre in Mpumalanga, Northern Policy
Cape Substance Dependency Treatment in Northern Cape The Department is in a process of developing the
and Newlands Park Psychosocial Services Policy and the Sheltering Policy.
During the period under review, the Department
Treatment Centre in KwaZulu-Natal. conducted consultations with stakeholders in all
provinces prior to development of the draft copies of the
The UTC aims to increase skills, knowledge and capacity two policy documents. Draft copies of the Psychosocial
of cadres working in the field of substance abuse, Services (PSS) and the Sheltering policies are in
particularly, treatment, care and support. Implementation existence following these consultations and are ready for
of UTC programme has strengthened the provision of presentation to internal structures within the
evidence-based treatment modalities and application of Department.
treatment tools for Substance Use Disorders (SUD) in