Page 66 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 66

The  Department  also  developed  the  draft  Monitoring
             The Department, in collaboration with United Nations
                                                               Tool on the Intersectoral Protocol on the Prevention and
             Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and European Union (EU)
             initiated and launched project on "EU global promotion
                                                               Management of Violence against Children, Child Abuse,
             of  best  practices  for  children  in  migration”  in October
                                                               Neglect and Exploitation. The Monitoring Tool will assist
                                                               with the standardised and uniform services rendered by
             2020.  The project covers the period from 2020 to 2023
 Child Protection
                                                               all child protection stakeholders for children affected by
             and will be implemented in four countries, namely;
             Mexico, El Salvador, Zambia and South Africa. The overall
                                                               violence, child abuse, neglect and exploitation; and will
 During the period under review, the Department
             objective of the project is to ensure that children on the
                                                               also allow for monitoring of the services rendered. The
 conducted capacity building on the Adoption Policy
                                                               Monitoring Tool was consulted with all provinces and it
             move are effectively protected and their rights are being
 Framework and Strategy, Guidelines and Training Manual
                                                               will be approved in the new financial year.
 and the Register of Adoptable Children and Prospective

 Adoptive Parents (RACAP). In this regard, a total of 432
                                                               Professional Social Services and Older Persons
             The project will directly affect and engage with the
 Social Workers in eight provinces, except for
             following stakeholders;
 Mpumalanga, were capacitated on both the Framework
                                                               During the reporting period, the Department finalised the
                 •      Duty bearers being officials at a regional, nation-
 and the Strategy.
                                                               Social Service Practitioners Draft Bill. The draft Bill was
                    al, provincial, local level and media, public
                                                               approved by Cabinet in the 2019/20 financial year, and
                    frontline  officers  and  staff  (police,  civic  and
 The capacity building on the Framework and Strategy
                                                               subsequently gazetted for public comments. Comments
                    immigration officers, social workers, etc.),
 was conducted to empower and enable Social Workers to
                                                               were received from individuals, South African Council for
                 •     Stakeholders such as International Organization
 provide adoption services as required by the Legislation.
                    for Migration (IOM), United Nation High
 Furthermore, training on the RACAP was conducted to
                    Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other
 assist the Social Workers when they match children with
                                                               occupations, national and provincial departments, local
                    organisations that are part of national, regional
 adoptive parents. The training also ensured  that the
                                                               municipalities and professional networks.
                    or global policy and strategy processes, and
 principle of subsidiarity as required by Legislation is
                 •      Children on the move include migrant, internally
 adhered to. The principle requires that children should
                                                               Public comments served as basis for redrafting the Bill
                    displaced, stateless, returnee, asylum seekers
 be placed locally, and all avenues must be explored
                                                               with the support of sector legal services at both national
                    and  refugee  children,  as  well  as  children  who
 before considering intercountry adoption option.  Section
                                                               and provincial  departments. The  draft  Bill  was
                    move voluntarily or involuntarily, within or
 232 of the Children’s Act, 2005 (Act No. 38 of 2005)
                                                               subsequently submitted to the Office of the Chief State
                    between countries, with or without their parents
 requires the Director–General to keep and maintain a
                                                               Law Advisor (OCSLA). The Socio Economic Impact
                    or other primary caregivers, and whose
 Register on Adoptable Children and Prospective Adoptive
                                                               Assessment (SEIAS) report was also developed and
                    movement may open opportunities, but might
 Parents (RACAP) for the purpose of keeping a record of
                                                               submitted to the Department of Performance Monitoring
                    also expose them to risks (or to an increased
 adoptable  children  and  a  record  of  fit  and  proper
                                                               and  Evaluation  for  certification.  The  Bill  will  be
                    risk) of economic or sexual exploitation, abuse,
 adoptive parents. RACAP training provided guidance to
                                                               submitted to Cabinet in the new financial year.
                    neglect and violence.
 adoption service providers regarding the implementation
 of the adoption processes.
                                                               The Department continues to monitor implementation of
             Throughout the process, UNICEF will provide support to
                                                               the Social Service Professions Act, 1978 (Act No. 110 of
             the national child protection system to effectively
 During the reporting period, a total 849 adoptions were
                                                               1978) and related regulations. The Act provides for the
             provide services to these children. They will also work
 registered, which includes 799 national adoptions and 50
                                                               establishment of the SACSSP which is entrusted with the
             with authorities, media and service providers to address
 intercountry  adoptions.  Furthermore,  a  total  of  166
                                                               regulation of social service practice and social service
             the  barriers  such  children  may  face  in  accessing
 adoption service providers were accredited, that number
                                                               professionals (Social Workers and Child and Youth Care
             comprehensive birth registration and other basic
 includes 128 Child Protection Organisations and 38
 Social Workers in private practice. To this end, the RACAP
 was managed with 264 children and 80 parents
                                                               In regulating social service professionals, the SACSSP;
             The Department developed a draft Monitoring Tool on
 registered respectively.
                                                                      determines minimum qualifications,
             the implementation of Guidelines on Community Based
                                                                      required registration,
             Prevention and Early Intervention Services to Vulnerable
 The Children's Second Amendment Act, 2016 (Act No. 18
                                                                      develops and maintains registers for social
             Children. The Tool aims to support community-based
 of 2016) included Department of Social Development
                                                                          workers and child and youth care workers,
             organizations that provide services to Orphan and
 (DSD)  Social  Workers  in  the  definition  of  an  adoption
                                                                      sets standards for education and training of
             Vulnerable Children (OVC), by improving routine
 Social Worker. The regulations pertaining to the
                                                                          social service professionals; and
             monitoring system and the collection of information that
 registration of specialty in adoption work requires Social
                                                                      monitors compliance with code of ethics and
             is  fit  for  purpose,  including  information  for  identifying
 Workers to be registered with the South African Council
                                                                          standards for professional conduct.
             beneficiaries, case management and routine programme.
 for Social Services Profession (SACSSP). Registration
             Furthermore, the Tool will ensure that there is uniform
 renewal and payment of 191 DSD Social Workers was
                                                               Social Workers and Child and Youth Care Workers are
             and standard information collected in the provinces,
 effected with the SACSSP as adoption specialists. A total
                                                               expected to pay approved prescribed annual fees to the
             which will be used to evaluate and determine what works
 of 105 children were repatriated through International
                                                               Council. In this regard, regulations on fees payable for
             and  keep  programming  on  track  and  ensuring  positive
 Social Services to Lesotho and Zimbabwe while three
                                                               the 2021/22 financial year were developed and gazetted
             impacts on OVCs and families.
 were repatriated into the country, two being from
                                                               for  public  comments.  Once  finalised,  these  regulations
 Zimbabwe and one from Uganda.
                                                               PART B: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION       academic
 will guide specific amounts payable for, amongst others,   protection of older persons. The Older Persons   provinces. Relevant information on preventative   with gang influences. All children who are admitted into
 registration  of professionals in various categories  of   Amendment Bill was presented to the Technical Working   measures including WHO Protocols were disseminated to   secure  care  facilities  are  profiled.  The  purpose  of  the
 social service professions.  Group (TWG) of the SPCHD and SPCHD Cluster. The Bill   residential facilities for Older Persons through the   profiling is to ensure that the needs that make them join
 received approved for it to be presented to Cabinet for   provinces, to ensure adherence with to protocols.   gangs additional to their detention orders are assessed as
 During  the  reporting  period,  the  term  of  office  of  the   approval to be introduced to Parliament.   part of intervention to be provided during detention in
 current members of the Council and Professional Boards   Residential facilities were prioritised  according to   secure care. This is also aimed at protecting other
 for social work and child and youth care work was   In 2018/19, the Department finalised the Implementation   infections and inability of facilities to control infection,   children under DSD care who are not into gangsterism
 extended for  12 months, effective from June 2021 to   Evaluation of the Older Persons Act, 2006 (Act No. 13 of   leading to deaths, screening and testing challenges etc.   from the positively profiled children not to recruit them.
 June 2022. In preparation for the appointment of new   2006). The Implementation Evaluation was aimed at   In  addition,  National  Institute  for  Communicable
 members of Council and Professional Boards, approval   assessing how the Older Persons Act is being   Diseases  (NICD)  developed  an  online  hospital  Another key area that was monitored was the existence of
 was also granted to develop Induction Policy and   implemented and how it can  be improved. The   surveillance platform for Covid-19, called DATCOV19, in   the multi-disciplinary team and its functionality within
 Procedure Manual. The new members will assume office   Evaluation Report and Improvement Plan were presented   which the information on admitted patients was   the facilities. The functionality of multi-disciplinary team
 at the end of the extended period of the existing   to the Technical Working Group (TWG) of the SPCHD and   submitted by health care workers in sentinel surveillance   is one of the systems in the secure care programme and is
 members.  SPCHD Cluster and Cabinet. Cabinet approved both the   sites  that allows  analysis  of  risk  factors for  severe   integral to the prevention of gangsterism. The monitoring
 Evaluation Report and Improvement Plan with the   disease and mortality. This assisted the Department to   also  assessed  the  empowerment of  staff to  be able  to
 The  Department  developed the White Paper for Social   following recommendations;   know the data on infections, death and recoveries.   deal with children that incite other children to join gangs.
 Development. The White Paper was extensively   •   for more consultation with the sector to   Among  others,  the  monitoring  process  identified  the
 consulted with various stakeholders, including provincial   develop an implementation plan with roles   Families and Social Crime Prevention  followings;
 departments of social development, other national   and responsibilities of key government   • some provinces did not have approved admission
 government departments, civil society organisations,   departments.  During the reporting period, the Department conducted   policies,
 non-governmental organisations, research institutions   •   the implementation plans should inform how   consultations with all provinces on the reviewing   •  other provinces were using assessment processes or
 and institutions of higher learning, the SACSSP,   budget will be ring-fenced for Older Persons   of the Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy.   procedures not approved by the Department,
 professional associations and other critical stakeholders.   programmes,  The purpose of the consultations was to explore the   •  lack of staff empowerment to deal with children that
 The White Paper provides a new vision and broad goals   •    the plan should be aligned with the approach   inherent and proactive approaches to implementing   incite other children to join gangs,
 that will provide direction to the country on social   of the District Development Model with   the strategy in South Africa. A consolidated report on   •  there  is  no  standard  specification  on  professional
 development beyond the social welfare realm. It aligns   respect to combating Gender-Based Violence   the consultations with provinces on the reviewing of   restrain to disarm children or prevent gangsterism,
 well with the seven priorities Government aspires to   (GBV), addressing the plight of older women   the Strategy was compiled. The report outlines the   •  most provinces were trained over three years ago on
 achieve in the next five years. It also sets the basis for the   given the spate of rape crimes and ensuring   challenges,  achievements,  lessons  learnt  and  makes   techniques for professional restrain  of children in
 development  of  a  national  overarching  social  integrated governmental approach  towards   recommendations for effective implementation of the   the event there is violence by children, and
 development  legislation,  which  will  provide  a  unified   strengthening the provision of service to Older   strategy.   •  there is no total quality management or an approved
 system to guide the provision of comprehensive,   Persons.        policy for support by relevant stakeholders in the
 integrated, rights based, well-resourced quality social   The  report  further  recommends  continued  event of violence as a result of gang influences
 development services. The White Paper  was  presented   A national consultative workshop was conducted in   implementation of the Strategy to curb social ills that
 before the Technical Working Group and the SPHCD   March 2021 with the various stakeholders within the   are a contributory factor to the committal of crime   As a result, some provinces have developed admission
 Social Clusters and was endorsed to proceed to Cabinet   sector including all provincial departments of Social   and violence in South Africa. The consultation report   policies due for approval, while others also developed
 for  approval.    The  applicable  documents  have  been   Development,  Offices  of  the  Premier,  other  key   will be used to map the next stages of the reviewing   standard operating procedures.
 prepared and approved for presentation to Cabinet.  government departments as well as non-governmental   of the Integrated Social Crime Prevention Strategy,
 organisation, to develop the Implementation Plan. The   as well as ascertaining ownership, collaboration and   Substance Abuse and CDA
 In preparation for the effective implementation of the   Implementation Plan will be presented to FOSAD for   partnership amongst government departments, civil
 White  Paper, the  Department  developed a  draft   endorsement and a progress report will be submitted to   society organization and private sector to respond.   Policy and Legislation
 implementation plan. The implementation plan was   Cabinet as part of the National Evaluation Plan (NEP).   These initiatives contribute towards priority 5 on Social
 consulted with all provincial departments of social   cohesion and safe communities.        The Policy on the Prevention of and Treatment for
 development. The plan provides for the implementation   The  Department  finalised  the  re-development  of  the   Substance  Use  Disorders  was  developed  and  finalised
 of the White Paper by Departments  of Social   Older Persons Abuse Register (OPAR). A total of seven   During the period under review, the Department   during the period under review. The development of the
 Development at  all spheres  of  government, other   provinces were trained on the improved OPAR system   monitored  the  implementation  of  the  DSD  Policy is part of the process to review the Prevention of
 government departments with responsibility for the   .The remaining two provinces will be considered for   Anti-Gangsterism Strategy. The Strategy was monitored   and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, 2008 (Act No. 70
 delivery  of  social  welfare  services,  non-governmental   training in the new financial year.  in six provinces namely; Eastern Cape, Limpopo,   of 2008). The Act focuses on scaling up prevention,
 organisations and community-based organisations.   KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape, Gauteng and Mpumalanga.   treatment and rehabilitation strategies in order to
 Further consultations will be conducted with all critical   In responding to Covid-19 pandemic, the Department   Monitoring reports on the implementation of the strategy   address the scourge of alcohol and drug abuse in the
 stakeholders in order to realise the effective and efficient   partnered with Department of Health (DoH) to support   in Secure Care Facilities were submitted by provinces.   country. The Policy will be tabled for approval in Cabinet
 implementation thereof.   residential facilities in dealing with the pandemic. The   Over  and  above  the  six  targeted  provinces  that  were   during  the  2021/22  financial  year.  The  development  of
 Department of Health in line with the World Health   monitored, the Free State, North West and Northern Cape   the  Policy  for  substance  abuse  contribute  to  the
 During the reporting period, the Department finalised the   Organisation (WHO) protocols on Covid-19, developed   provinces were also monitored, and they submitted the   government  priority  4:  “Consolidating  the  Social  Wage
 Older Persons Amendment Bill, 2020. The Older Persons   guidelines, tools and training programmes for the   reports on implementation of Anti-Gangsterism in the   through Reliable and Quality Basic Services” through the
 Amendment Bill is aimed at tightening the gaps in the   residential facilities. Furthermore, an action plan on   provinces secure care facilities.  development of an effective policy framework that will
 Older Persons Act, 2006 (Act No. 13 of 2006) to ensure   Covid-19 response was developed and consulted with   The key areas that were monitored included all facilities   address  the  impact  of  alcohol  and  substance  abuse  to
             that are to put in place systems and techniques to   families, communities and society.
             prevent gangsterism and uphold the welfare and safety of
             children  already  in the  facilities  from those who  come
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