Page 70 - Department of Social Development Annual Report 2021
P. 70


 Services to Persons with Disabilities  Funding of national bodies

 Policy on Social Development services to persons with   The Department funded and supported six National   Actual
 disabilities   Disability Organisations to facilitate transformation and                    achievement
             redirection of services and resources, towards ensuring
 The Policy on Social Development Services to Persons   effective and efficient provision of services to the poor
 with Disabilities is a sectoral policy aimed at the   and vulnerable sectors of society.
 provision of social development services provided to   The funded organisations included the following;
 persons with disabilities to improve the overall quality of   •  Disabled Children’s Action Group (DICAG)
 their lives. The Policy focuses on the social development   •  Autism South Africa (ASA)
 services directives contained in the White Paper on the   •  South African Federation of Mental Health
 Rights of Persons with Disabilities (WPRPD). It       (SAFMH)
 alsoadvises  on  the  provision  of  disability  specific   •  Deaf Blind South Africa (DBSA)
 intervention and support services to persons with   •  South African National Deaf Association
 disabilities. It was developed to respond to the tranversal   •  Disabled Children’s Organisation
 White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
 (WPRPD)'s commitment to address socio-economic needs   The funding was geared more towards strengthening the
 and the human rights of persons with disabilities.   capacity of the organisation to enable them to provide
             services to this most marginalised sector. The funded
 The Policy identifies programmatic issues for translation   national  bodies provided services that include  the
 into  an  Act  that  will  ensure  legal  compliance  in  the   provision of capacity, empowerment and service delivery
 provision of services to persons with disabilities. The   to affiliated organisations and beneficiaries. The bodies
 envisaged  legislation  will  enable  the  Department to   also provided services in relation to research and
 undertake several functions inclusive of addressing   development of best practice models to inform services
 compounded marginalisation experienced by persons   to person with disabilities. This also included the
 with disabilities amongst others.   provision of advocacy and awareness programmes on the
             rights of persons with disabilities.
 In preparations for the submission of the Policy to
 Cabinet, the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment report
 (SEIAS)  was  reviewed,  updated,  finalised  and  ready  for
 submission to Cabinet. The costing report on the Policy
 was presented to the Welfare Services Forum in
 preparation for presentation to DSD management
 structures for approval to submit to Cabinet. The costing
 report covering the Policy and its implementation
 strategies defines a required and acceptable standard of
 services followed by a cost analysis of those required
 services.  The  Policy  identifies  programmatic  issues  for
 translation into an Act that will prescribe compulsory
 services that must be funded and implemented by the
 State, after its approval.

 The Policy was not submitted to Cabinet, as it must be
 edited to ensure its re-alignment to the WPRPD. The
 policy will be submitted to Cabinet in the next financial

 Guidelines on Respite Care Services to Families and
 Persons with disabilities

 The  Department,  in its  quest to realise  the rights  of
 children with disabilities through a series of legislation
 and programmes, drafted the Respite Care Programme,
 which is a set of services integrating roles and
 responsibilities of different sectors to protect and
 promote human rights of children with disabilities and
 support for their families.

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