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 Take control of your inventory  Parameter  Metrics             Definition             Calculation

 Remember that with an effective inventory management system in place, you can help reduce   Inbound  Dock-to-stock cycle   The dock-to-stock   For a given time period
 costs, keep your business profitable, analyze sales patterns and predict future sales, and prepare the   time, in Hours  cycle time equals   : Sum of the cycle time
 business for the unexpected. With proper inventory management system in place, a business has a   the time (typically   in hours for all supplier
 better chance for profitability and survival.           measured in hours)       receipts / Total number
                                                         required to put away     of supplier receipts
 It’s time to take control of your inventory management and stop losing money. Choose the right   goods. The cycle time
 inventory management techniques for your business, and start implementing them.  begins when goods
                                                         arrive from the supplier
 7.4 Measuring warehouse Performance – Key Performance Indicators ( KPI)  and ends when those

 As  it  is  being  said  the  step  one  to  improve  is  to  measure. We  cannot  improve  the  warehouse   goods are put away
 performance unless and until we measure it.             in the warehouse
                                                         and recorded into the
 The tool to measure warehouse performance is what we call as Key Performance Indicators (KPI).  inventory management
 A  key  performance  indicator  (KPI)  is  a  business  metric  for  evaluating  factors  that  are  crucial   Inbound  Suppliers Orders   Measures the   Total supplier orders
 to the success of an organization. The purpose of using KPIs is to focus attention on the tasks   Received per hour  productivity of   processed in receiving
 and processes that management has determined are most important for making progress towards   receiving operations   / Total person Hours
 declared goals and targets.
                                                         in supplier orders       worked in the receiving

 KPI need to be                                          processed per person     operation
 o  SMART – Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time based  Inbound  Lines Received and   Measures the   Total lines received and
                                 Putaway per Hour        productivity of          put-away / Total person
 o  Derived from strategy                                receiving operations     Hours worked in the

 o  Clearly defined/explicit purpose                     in lines processed and   receiving operation
                                                         put-away per person
 o  Mixed performance driver and outcome measures        hour.
            Inbound              Percent of supplier     The number of orders     The number of
 o  Optimum number of measures (from 10 to 20 measures)  orders received with   that are processed with  supplier orders that

 o  Construct Strategy Map (causal model—cause-and-effect relationships)  correct documents  complete and correct   are processed with
                                                         documentation as a       complete and correct
 Every company can adopt its own set of KPI depending upon the requirements. Following are some   percentage of total   documents / the
 of the possible KPI to measure warehouse performance.   orders. Documentation  total supplier orders
                                                         includes packing         processed in the
 7.5 Study on emerging trends in warehousing sector.     slips, case and pallet   measurement period.
 Like many other industries, warehousing is being completely transformed by advances in technology   labelling, certification,
 and new workplace trends.                               ASN, carrier

 And where warehousing goes, related spaces like retail, supply chain management, and transportation   documents or other
 will follow. The capabilities of warehouses to store, organize, track, pick and pack, and ship out   documents as required
 inventory determine how efficient and effective the world’s biggest businesses can be.  by the Purchase Order.
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