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ü Delivered On- Outbound Fill Rate - Line Measures percent Percentage of order
Time of orders lines filled lines filled to customer
ü Shipped according to customer request / total number
Complete request. Note : a single of order lines filled.
ü Shipped damage customer order line
free can request multiple
ü Correct The perfect order index shipments. In this case
Documentation (POI) is established each shipment would
by multiplying each be tracked as a separate
component of the request.
perfect order to Outbound Order Fill Rate Measures percent of
One another. For orders filled according
example, if a company to customer request.
is experiencing a Note: a single Number of orders filled
measure of 95% across customer order can to customer request /
all 4 metrics of the request multiple total number of orders
perfect order (on time,
complete, damage shipments. In this filled
free and accurate case each shipment
documentation), the would be tracked as
resulting perfect order a separate request.
index would be 81.4%. Outbound Lines/Orders picked Measures the For a given time period
Outbound Lost Sales (Percentage An important risk Value sales that were and Shipped per Person productivity of picking : Total order lines
SKUs Stocked Out) indicator: what percent lost (I.e. they did not Hour and shipping operations picked and shipped /
of sales were lost due become backorders) / in lines per person Total hours worked
to stock outs. total sales hour Measures the in the picking and
Outbound Backorders as a The portion of total ü Number of orders/
percentage of Total orders that are held and lines/value held and not productivity of picking shipping operation
Orders/ Total Lines / shipped late due to lack shipped / total number and shipping operations
Total Value / Unit of availability of stock. of orders/lines/value in orders per person
Can be measured by hour Measures the
lines or by PO, by units productivity of picking
or by dollar value. and shipping operations
in cases per person
hour Measures the
productivity of picking
and shipping operations
in pallets per person