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            Inbound              Percent of Supplier     The number of orders     Number of supplier                           Inventory           Average day sales        The amount of time      Average % of month
                                 orders received damage  that are processed       orders that are                              Management          outstanding              required to convert     AR/ (total annual sales
                                 free                    damage free as a         processed damage                                                                          receivables to cash. To  /365)
                                                         percentage of total      free / the total supplier                                                                 even out seasonality,
                                                         orders                   orders processed in the                                                                   this includes a rolling
                                                                                  measurement period.                                                                       monthly average of AR
            Inbound              On Time Receipts -      Percent of orders        Number of supplier                                                                        (This is also known as
                                                                                                                                                                            “Average Collection
                                 Supplier                received from a          orders received on time                                                                   period”).
                                                         supplier on the date     / total number of orders                     Outbound            On Time Shipments        The percentage of       Number of order
                                                         requested.               received
                                                                                                                                                                            orders shipped at the   shipped on time /
                                                                                                                                                                            planned time, (shipped  Total number of orders
            Inventory            Inventory shrinkage     The amount of            Sum (value of                                                                             means off the dock      shipped.
            Management           as a percent of Total   breakage, pilferage      breakage, pilferage,                                                                      and in transit to its
                                 Inventory               or deterioration of all   deterioration to all                                                                     final destination). Note
                                                         inventories relative to   inventory) / total of all                                                                that the time to ship
                                                         total inventory. Usually  inventory                                                                                may be defined by the
                                                         stated in terms of                                                                                                 customer, or it may
                                                         value, not units.                                                                                                  be determined by the
                                                                                                                                                                            shipper in order to
                                                                                                                                                                            accommodate an On
                                                                                                                                                                            Time Delivery.
                                                                                                                               Outbound            Total Order Cycle Time The average end to        Excluding non-working
            Inventory            Inventory days of       Measure of quantity      Current (or period                                                                        end time between        days: sum of (Time
            Management           supply                  of inventory on hand,    ending) total inventory                                                                   order placement by the  Order received by
                                                         in relation to number    value / (Total annual                                                                     customer and order      customer - time order
                                                         of days for which        COGS / 365)                                                                               receipt by the customer. placed) / Total number
                                                         usage which will be                                                                                                                        of orders shipped.
                                                         covered. Total gross                                                  Outbound            Internal Order Cycle     The average internal
                                                         value of inventory at                                                                     Time                     time between when
                                                         standard cost before                                                                                               the order was received
                                                         reserves for excess and                                                                                            from the customer and
                                                         obsolescence. Only                                                                                                 Order Shipment by the
                                                         includes inventory on                                                                                              supplier.
                                                         company books, future                                                 Note that order     Excluding non-working
                                                         liabilities should not be                                             shipment is defined  days : Sum of (Time
                                                         included.                                                             as off the dock,    Order Shipment - time
                                                                                                                               onto the shipping   order received from the
                                                                                                                               conveyance and      customer) / number of
            Inventory            Average days payable    Measure of the length    Average daily payables                       ready for transit.  orders shipped.
            Management                                   of time required to pay  / (Total Annual COGS                         Outbound            Perfect Order Index      A compilation score
                                                         suppliers; key element  / 365)
                                                         in cash-to-cash cycle                                                                                              which measures the
                                                         time.                                                                                                              result each of the 4
                                                                                                                                                                            major components of a
                                                                                                                                                                            Perfect Order :
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