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Sl.No. Principle Description Another critical function of WMS is the cycle count process that is required to maintain the health
1 Planning Principle All handling activities should be planned of the inventory. WMS initiates daily cycle count and wall to wall counts as per user specification
2 Systems Principle Integrate as many handling activities as possible and attributes.
encompassing full scope of operations like receiving Lastly WMS can provide various types and categories of reports and information related to
storage, production, inspection, packaging, warehousing inventory, shipments, transactions, timings of transactions and many more parameters.
3 Material Flow Principle Plan operations sequence and equipment arrangement to Finally, the WMS may provide summary data to an even larger supply chain management system
optimize material flow
4 Simplification Principle Reduce, combine or eliminate unnecessary movement and/ (SCMS) that plans and coordinates inventory levels and transportation from manufacturer to
or equipment, it increases efficiency of materials handling customer.
5 Gravity Principle Utilize gravity to move material whenever practicable
6 Space Utilizationn Make optimum use of building volume Menu of features
Principle Basic features of most WMS’s include tools to support:
7 Unit size Principle Increase quantity, size, weight of loas handled – Appointment scheduling
8 Safety Principle Handling methods and handling equipment use must be – Receiving
safe – Quality assurance
9 Mechanization/ When appropriate, use mechanized or automatic materials – Put-away
Automation Principle handling equipment – Location tracking
10 Equipment Selection Before selecting materials handling equipment, consider all – Work-order management
Principle aspects of materials handling,e.g. materials to be handled, – Picking
moves to be made, methods to be utilized – Packing and consolidation
11 Standardization Principle Materials handling methods and equipment should be – Shipping
standardized to the extent possible
12 Flexibility Principle Use methods and equipment, which can perform different High-end features include support for:
tasks and applications – RF-directed operation
13 Motion Principle Stoppage of mobile equipment should be minimum – Cycle counting
14 Dead-Weight Principle Reduce the dead - weight movement – Value-added services
15 Idle time Principle Reduce idle or unproductive time of both materials handling – Vendor/carrier compliance
equipment and manpower. – Returns
16 Maintenance Principle Do schedule maintenance and repair work of all materials – Pick/put to light
handling equipment to minimize outage. – Yard management
17 Obsolescence Principle Replace obsolete handling methods and equipment by – Wave management
more efficient methods or equipment to improve operations – Labor management
18 Control Principle Use materials handling equipment to improve production – Task interleaving
& inventory control and order handling – Flow-through processing
19 Capacity Principle Use Materials handling so that full production capacity can
be achieved 2.4 Warehouse Organization Chart
20 Performance Principle Select Materials handling systems with higher efficiency,
measured in terms of expenses per unit load handled Warehouse is all about the people who manage it. Staffing the warehouse with right number or
people with right set of skills will ensure the most efficient and effective warehouse operations.
Following is a typical organization chart within a warehouse: