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  6.   Potential sales or other communication opportunities  Procedure for Arranging of goods on dock for counting and  Visual inspection of goods
 An ASN can be set up to include an attachment which could contain additional information   Visual inspection of goods unloaded.
 beside regular information. This may include information about the product or new launches
 and impending shut downs or any other information relevant to the buyer.  Quality is important during manufacturing and Supply Chain, whether monitoring the quality of
           material from the suppliers, checking the quality during the production line or checking the quality
 Summary   before it is delivered to the final customer.

 An Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) is an important electronic data information tool which keeps   In case of manufacturing for the raw materials, one area that is very important in the monitoring
 the buyer informed, allows them to track the shipments, allows them to plan for their inventory   of quality is the inspection of items that arrive at the facility from your suppliers. Ensuring that the
 and helps to improve the relation buyer the supplier and buyer. ASN simple yet powerful tool to   parts and raw materials are of the correct quality or specifications before the item even enters the
 reduce the customer service efforts and highly recommended for all progressive and professional   plant is a key aspect of ensuring total quality of the finished goods.
           In case of trading too, the quality of the incoming shipment needs to be checked before it is supplied
 ASN READY TO SUBMIT  to the customer to avoid any claims and adverse effect to the relationship with the client.

 Supplier Information  Inbound Quality Inspection
 Supplier name  The production or the quality department provides the purchase department the exact specifications
 Supplier email
           of the products to be purchased. The purchasing department negotiates with the suppliers the best
 Delivery Detail  quality, cost and delivery timelines.
 Carton Quantity  Total ASN Units
 Advanced Shipping Notification Detail  Though in most of the cases, the quality department checks the shipment before it leaves the door
 Order No.  Invoice No.  Product Description  Order   ASN  Inner Pack   Outer Pack  Tolerance  of the supplier, however, the receiving organization still checks for the quality of the inbound
 Quantity  Quantity  Quantity  Quantity  shipment in terms of specifications given in the Purchase Order.
 (Units)  (Unites)  (Units)  (Units)
           The quality department will provide the warehouse with instructions on how to deal with incoming
           materials. Not all parts incoming shipments need to be inspected. Some low cost standard items
           may not require inspection at the time of receipt. However, for many items used in the production
           line, the part or raw material will be subject to inspection.

           Visual Inspection

           Material as it is received at the unloading bay, should be first visually inspected for defects or
           damages. The incoming pallet may be damaged from the side, the received white goods may be
           dented during transit, the drum carrying chemicals may be leaking. Such items should be rejected
           immediately on unloading.

           Packaged items may be rejected if the packaging is damaged. The quality department may have
           specific instructions for inspection of the packaging to the warehouse depending on the item that is
           being received.


           In case of large quantity of the particular parts or material arrive at the warehouse, not every part
           need to be checked. The quality department generally instructs to do a random sampling and only
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