Page 4 - EPIC E-News_Winter 2022_FIN
P. 4
By Nadine Bartholomew, MBA
Founded in 1985, Southern Maryland Vocational Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, and Cerebral
Industries, Inc., also trading as, Empowering People palsy.
with Intellectual Challenges (EPIC) is a non-profit
(501 c3) organization based in Prince George’s EPIC was founded in response to the realization by a
County, Maryland. Our mission, the very reason we group of parents that their children with develop-
exist, is to empower adults with developmental disa- mental disabilities would have no services or sup-
bilities (DD) to maximize their independence. We do ports after graduating from their high school special
this by providing employment, residential, and in- education classes. These parents banded together to
home supports. create a program that would enable their children,
and others, to become independent, gainfully em-
According to the National Center on Birth Defects ployed, adults.
and Developmental Disabilities at the Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention, “Developmental disa- Over time our organization evolved from primarily
bilities are a group of conditions due to an impair- helping individuals to get jobs, to providing an array
ment in physical, learning, language, or behavior are- of human services. Today, we offer two distinct pro-
as. These conditions begin during the developmental grams (i.e., Day and Residential Supports) and we
period, may impact day-to-day functioning, and usu- operate and provide services with a staff of 200 relia-
ally last throughout a person’s lifetime.” ble and well-trained direct support professionals
(DSPs) who teach various life affirming skills.
In layman’s terms, developmental disability is a di-
verse group of chronic conditions that occur due to In 2019, 150 adults with DD participated in EPIC’s
mental or physical impairments that arise before Day Supports Program. This program is designed to
adulthood. Developmental disabilities can cause, the enhance the quality of life for people with DD. Each
individuals living with them, difficulties in speech, day our dedicated staff facilitates meaningful activi-
mobility, education, self-help, and independent liv- ties for every program participant. For example, on
ing. Developmental disabilities can be detected early Tuesdays program participants enjoy a virtual dance
on and persist throughout an individual's lifespan. and music therapy session. These sessions offer the
Examples of developmental disabilities include Tou- individuals we support stress relief, increased physi-
rette's syndrome, Autism and Asperger syndrome, cal fitness, improved confidence and self-esteem,
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