Page 2 - PowerPoint Presentation
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Health Plan Enrollment in the
Thank you to our Patient Eligibility Specialist team
for working hard to bring in new patients by
promoting our health plan enrollment and medical
services at the following community events:
2/6 – Maxine Waters Employment Preparation
Center Health Fair
2/12 – Los Feliz Homeless Connect Day
3/9 – The Hollywood Hike to End Homelessness
3/16 – Church of God of Prophecy Health Fair
3/17 – Telemundo 52 Feria de la Salud
3/23 – West Hollywood Health Fair
Making the Greater Los Angeles
Homeless Count
The Clinic participated in the 2019 Homeless Count
that took place January 22 – 24. The Count is
important because it helps us better understand
homelessness in the different regions and align
resources where they are needed most.
Thank you to Arnali Ray (third from left) and Lauren
Hill (not pictured) for taking time to volunteer.
On the PATH to Help the Homeless
In March, we partnered with People Assisting the
Homeless (PATH) and The Center at Blessed
Sacrament to provide medical care at their new
Hollywood bridge housing.
Richelle Legaspi, RN, (far right) and patient
navigator Brittani Chew, on Richelle’s left, provided
TB testing and helped connect participants to the
Clinic’s resources.
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