Page 6 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 6

Employee of the Quarter

                                                 January – March 31, 2019

                          BEVERLY                          TAPER                           WAC

                       Luis Villanueva                 Richelle Legaspi               Jennifer Matthes
                      Dental Department                     Nurse                      Behavioral Health

                   Luis has a positive             Richelle is a champion for     Jennifer is the kind of
                   attitude. He starts every       people experiencing            person who will go out of
                   day with a big smile and a      homelessness!                  her way to meet the
                   happy greeting.                                                needs of our patients, any
                                                   Her empathetic, kind, and      day, any time.
                   He is extremely reliable        patient approach to her
                   and punctual; he is always      care has made a big            In a little over a year at
                   ready for the first patient     difference in providing        Saban, she has
                   at 7:45 am. He is kind to       care for the most              demonstrated passion
                   his team, cooking for           vulnerable.                    and commitment to
                   them and inviting them to                                      improve the lives of our
                   his home.                       Everyone who encounters        patients in need of
                                                   Richelle can attest to her     Behavioral Health
                   As a manager, when there        kindness, flexibility,         services.
                   is not enough staffing in       adaptability, intelligence
                   the clinic, he does not         and gentle nature! She is      Her genuine compassion,
                   hesitate to roll up his         a one-of-a-kind nurse!         dedication and team
                   sleeves and work 10-11                                         approach make her
                   hours to provide the            Thank you Richelle for         deserving of being
                   crucial support. He does        providing care with            employee of the quarter!
                   this without complaining        compassion and a smile.
                   and maintains a positive                                       Thank you, Jennifer! We
                   work environment,                                              are lucky to have you on
                   making him a great role                                        our team.
                   model for the team.

                   Thank you Luis for your
                   commitment to the
                   mission of the Clinic, the
                   patients, and the entire
                   dental department.

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