Page 7 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 7


                                                Kudos to my co-workers                                  Corner
        Kudos to Richelle Legaspi, a
        nurse who works her magic               Kelvin Chau, Cindy
        with the E6 Homeless team!              Ambrosio and Tania Vega
                                                in the referral department
        We could not do this work
        without you. Thank you for              for being hard workers and
                                                team players.
        remembering every patient we                                               Kudos to Erika Lopez, PES staff at
        come across, giving attention                                              Taper for always being so helpful and
        to details of their life and                                               flexible with E6 patients brought
        circumstances, obtaining their                   Mayra Bazua               through to our clinic. Without her
        patient medical records from                                               work ethic, we would not be able to
        the abyss, coordinating                                                    connect and establish continuity of
        specialty care and everything                                              care for these patients.
        else that falls in between. Your
        dedication, compassion and
        sensitivity never goes                                                                  Richelle Legaspi
        unnoticed. Thank you Richelle
        for everything you do and we
        appreciate you tremendously!                Kudos to Veronica Hall! As the Director of Nursing- she
                                                    has the challenging job of overseeing all three sites. Yet
                                                    she is always here for everyone for quick advise or to
                                                    answer a question. Veronica you are AWESOME!
                      Negeen Farmand

                                                                               Gloria Pineda

          Kudos to Alexa Chande for
          being the quiet force of the
          Operations Department.              Kudos to Luis Villanueva and              Kudos to the Call Center
          You have made a lasting             Rhina Rivera for rolling up               staff for all the work they did
          impact on our enrollment            their sleeves and covering for            during the month of March,
          and eligibility workflow            two open full time positions
          redesign, Referral backlog          so dental services would not              They answered 10,483 calls
          project and you continue to         be cut. They managed this                 bringing us to a 91% service
          lead us with the new                while still maintaining their             level. They also re-scheduled
          MyChart improvement                 own job responsibilities!                 808 patients as some of our
          project!                                                                      providers transition out of
                                                                                        the organization.
                                              Praises to Rina Orellana for
          Kudos to Evelyn Abrego              providing great customer
          for taking HR challenges by         service and sunshine at the               We also added a chat box in
          the bull’s horn and                 Dental Beverly front desk                 our new website where
          marching on!                        without fail.                             they’re able to answer
                                                                                        questions in between calls.

                                                                                        They all accomplished this as
                     Muriel Nouwezem                     Dr. Dastur                     we go through a shortage of
                                                                                        2 full-time and 2 part-time

            Kudos to Ruby Ayala for an amazing job making sure we have
            everything we need to make our job easier. Ruby is compassionate
            with our patients. She always goes out of her way to help them.                       Claudia Escobar
            Without a nurse manager, Ruby has helped make the transition a
            smooth one. She loves her job and tries to make our job easier.
            Thank you, Ruby.

                                       Aline Gomez
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