Page 10 - How to Enroll
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FAQs About the Loyalty Rewards Program
Q: Is the Loyalty Rewards program required?
A: No—it is an optional add-on to Wellness Customer (wholesale) accounts. (It is not available to retail
Q: Can I cancel my account?
Sure - just give doTERRA customer service a call if you wish to no longer participate in the
program. Just be sure to first redeem any points you have accrued, so you don't lose them.
Q: What percentage will I start out with?
A: It depends. If you purchase one of the larger kits, (such as the Premium Essentials Kit or Oil Sharing
Kit) you get the added benefit of starting at the 15-20% level. If you choose not to purchase a kit, or add
the LRP to your account at a later date, you'll start at the 10% level and increase 5% every three months
up to 30%
Q: What if my budget is lean during a particular month and I cannot afford to place an order?
A: If you cannot swing a 50 PV order but still want to stay in the program, simply place an order of any
kind-even a $10 bottle of lemon or a tube of chap stick month, your points will be maintained
and your membership will remain.
Q: What does it cost to enroll in the LRP?
A: Nothing! It's absolutely free to join, and you can start at any time during your membership,
Q: How do I qualify for the Product of the Month?
A: Place a LRP order of at least 125 PV before the 15th of the month. The free product will be added to
your order automatically. (The product offered changes from month-to-month)
Q: How do I redeem my product credits?
A: Use your back office to redeem your points. You will be asked to pay for shipping, as well as a $3
handling fee for each time you redeem 100 points.
I would love for you to join my team and learn how to empower yourself to take control of your health
and wellness. Feel free to contact us me at or 573-421-7009 for any
questions or additional information.