Page 7 - How to Enroll
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                                                                                                       Page 7

                             SECTION 7: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

          Q: What are essential oils?

          A: Essential oils are volatile compounds distilled from the bark, leaves, roots, flowers, and fruit of plants.
          They are naturally occurring substances that are not produced in a laboratory.
          Q: But they REALLY  work?

          A: Yes! They are not snake oil and they are not placebos. There is scientific research to show how and
          why they work— it's pretty fascinating stuff.(Check
                                                             out if you are in the mood to
          do some reading!) Because our bodies are all so different, some oils work better for some more than
          others, and sometimes a bit of experimentation is required.
          Q: How does one use essential oils?

          A: There are three main ways to use oils:
          Aromatic Use—This is the option that initially comes to mind when most of us think of essential oils. Oils
          can be diffused into the air to purify and freshen it—as well as improving the moods and emotional states
          of those in the vicinity.

          Topical Use—Our skin is our largest organ and it absorbs what we put on it. Essential oils can be applied
          all over the body to provide a variety of therapeutic benefits. I recommend using a fatty oil (carrier oil)
          such as olive oil, almond oil, or fractionated coconut oil to dilute most essential oils before applying them
          —especially oils such as cinnamon or peppermint which are considered "hot" oils. Never place essential
          oils in your eyes or ears.

          Internal Use—Some essential oils can be ingested—either for medicinal benefits or as a flavoring in foods.
          All of dōTERRA oils that are considered to be Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) for ingestion will
          have the FDA Supplement label information printed directly on the label. Because they are so potent, use
          caution when ingesting essential oils and never ingest oils that are not 100% pure.

          Q: I just applied an essential oil to my skin and now it's burning! What do I do?

          A: Rub a fatty oil (carrier oil) such as coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil on the area to dilute the oil. Never
          try to wash a sensitive area with water as the water will drive the oil deeper into the skin. I recommend
          using carrier oils when applying essential oils topically—especially if you have sensitive skin.


          Q: How much of an oil should I use and how often?

          A: It depends. Essential oils aren't like conventional pharmaceuticals, so there aren't really one-size-fits-all
          ’  dosage suggestions. Every person is different. I suggest starting off small and repeating as needed until
          you figure out what your body prefers. Keep in mind that essential oils are incredibly potent and less is
          usually more.
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