Page 10 - Lake & Co....
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Investment & Development – Services Provided

            To begin the process, Lake & Co shall:

             •  Arrange to meet the client (at a convenient place of their choosing) to take a full and detailed brief
                for the property they are seeking, along with their chosen investment strategy and triggers

             •  Provide the client with example appraisals of previous projects to better understand the respective
                financial triggers and tolerances they are aiming to work within and confirm their appetite for risk

             •  Provide a model of what the asset may need to look like and then suggest how we may go about
                meeting the client’s aspirations

             •  Search both on-market and off-market properties via estate agents, developers, investors and
                private contacts. Preview all prospective properties and present possibilities that fulfil the financial
                prerequisite for the client’s approval

             •  Refine and repeat the above process until we are successful

             Once the target property has been identified, Lake & Co will inform the client about the projected
             process to maximise the asset, and shall:

             •  Identify who will need to be engaged, and where appropriate make the relevant introductions or
                manage this process entirely, with relevant costs

             •  Define the best strategy for offering and securing the property

             •  Work with and manage the client and their professional team (solicitors, surveyors, tax advisors
                and architects etc.) and the seller/seller’s agent and solicitor throughout the purchase process until
                exchange of contracts

             •  Carry out a pre-completion inspection to ensure the property is as agreed at the time of exchange

            Upon completion, Lake & Co shall:

             •  Create a handover document with notes relating to services, income and liabilities, including the
                respective contact details and any additional services the client may require (see Additional Services

             •  Meet the client either at their property, office or hotel with the keys, or arrange for them to be
                delivered securely to an address of their choice
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