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8      March 2019 • NVRA eVoice

            2019 CONVENTION


           Thursday, July 25, 2019 – Testing, Meetings and Sessions

           8:00 am - 2:00 pm       TESTING:  CVR-CM AND CVR-S-CM-S CERTIFICATION TESTING
                                 (Refer to testing agenda that follows for complete information. Separate fees and registration required.)

           8:00 am – 10:00 am       EDUCATION ROUNDTABLE
                                 Open to Court Reporting, CART and Captioning instructors, school owners, mentors and others
                                 providing education.  This is a great opportunity to network and share information with your peers.

                                 Open to registered representatives of state associations, by invitation.

           10:30 am - Noon       MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY!  APPEARANCE, CONFIDENCE, AND         Pamper Yourself
                                 SUCCESS - THROUGH COLOR!                                        Even More:
                                                           One area that affects a lot of us—but
                                                           that we don’t often talk about—is how   Catherine will be
                                                           we present ourselves professionally.  Do   available on Thursday
                                                           you have a closet full of clothes and only   afternoon and Friday
                                                           wear 10%?  Do you have a drawer full of   for one-on-one personal
                                                           makeup, most of which you don't      consultations.  $75
                                                           use?  Are you tired of wasting money   personal consultation
                                                           and asking yourself or others, "Does this   fee includes a color
                                                           look good on me" with unsuccessful   swatch to take home
                                                           results?  Then this is the seminar for you!   and a full-sized lipstick
                                                           Catherine Nowicki is a nationally    and blush selected
                                 certified color/image consultant and will help you to discover a whole new   specially for you.
                                 way of looking at clothing selection through color. She will present
                                 concepts to give you the right tools to make the right choices at the store, how to clean your closet,
                                 pack for a trip and address all your fashion questions. Discover what's changed in color analysis since
                                 the 1980s, even if you already had your colors done then!  Catherine is a certified national color
                                 consultant since 1988. She trained with Color Me Beautiful and consulted for a national department
                                 store before opening her own business.
                                 Catherine Nowicki is a professional actress and has over the last several years acted in 5 films...two are
                                 currently on the SyFy and Lifetime channels. Catherine also is a certified color/fashion stylist who owns her
                                 own business, Color You!, helping women and men achieve their best look.

           Noon – 1:30 pm              LUNCH ON YOUR OWN.
                                 Time to explore and select one of many restaurants within steps from the hotel. So many food options,
                                 so little time in the Big Easy!
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