Page 21 - DreamingOfFood-Formatting Vs.8
P. 21
say?” Oh, yes. Cucumber was getting a little grumpy at this
time. Just a little, to say the least.
Bob finally finished his thoughts, “Hmm. This is very,
very good.” he gave a jump, “I’ve never had a smoothie
before. mom never makes this for me,”
Cucumber sighed with relief, sliding on the floor. And
the chorus chirped. Red said, “That’s the whole point. You
need to teach your mom how to make fruits and
vegetables fun for you and Tim.”
“But, how?” Bob glanced around
worried. He was starting to frown
again. Carrot Stick flirted her long
eyelashes towards him. “It’s easy,
peasy,” she said in a soprano voice. “Do
you like to build?” Bob nodded his head
vigorously, although still puzzled.
‘Well, what would you like to build right now?” she
asked. “Uhh…uhh…a clown?” Bob replied hesitantly, almost
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