Page 22 - DreamingOfFood-Formatting Vs.8
P. 22

in a whisper. “Great,” the chorus woke up, “Here are all

              your pieces. Now start building.”

                     Bob looked around and there was Red, the puffy

              tomato pulling out all his mom’s kitchen items, including

              some knives, a few cookie cutters and a whole variety of

                                         fresh produce. The rest of the

                                            talking vegetables and fruits

                                            were slicing, boiling or peeling

                                         some exotic ingredients.

                                            “Just use your imagination and

                                   make a clown,” laughed Red, jumping up

                                    and down. Bob watched all his friends

                                 look at him expectantly, smiling widely,

                                 even cheering him with their hands and

                                     feet, stomping away. There was

                                Bananarama, his yellow thick peel

              bouncing vigorously next to Peachy Peach. “Well,” he asked,

              “can you all help me?”

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