Page 27 - DreamingOfFood-Formatting Vs.8
P. 27

The next morning, Bob walked downstairs to the

              dining room. He could hear Tim complaining, “I don’t want

              to drink my orange juice! Don’t wanna. Don’t wanna!”


              stopped and

              thought. My

              goodness, this

              is how I used to act

              before I met my new

              buddies last night. I will show

              Tim how to make a smoothie.

                     So he hopped the last

              couple of steps, swirled around

              and went into the kitchen. “Hey, mom, Can I help you make


                     He heard a dish fall on the floor and break into

              pieces. Both Tim and his Dad looked at him curiously. His

              mom turned around, surveying the mess on the floor while

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