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6.3 Assignment queries
Enquiries about the receipt of assignments or assignment marks may be directed to the Directorate of Student Assessment Administration (see the Studies @ Unisa brochure for details). Assignment information can also be obtained by accessing myUnisa. You can also contact the relevant administrative department at the Centre for Business Management – see the contact details in the ‘Additional Study Information’ document referred to earlier.
6.4 Assignment submission dates
The submission dates for the assignment for each of the two semesters are:
6.5 Year mark
Your year mark, based on the mark obtained for the compulsory assignment, contributes 20% towards your final mark, while your examination mark contributes 80%.
The combined average of your year mark and examination mark must be 50% or higher for you to pass the subject. However, you must obtain a minimum of 40% in the examination, regardless of your year mark. If you obtain less than 40% in the examination, your year mark will not be taken into account and you will fail.
For example:
Assignment mark = 70%
20% of the assignment mark = 14%
Examination mark = 50%
80% of the examination mark = 40%
Final mark = (20% assignment mark) + (80% examination mark) = 14% + 40%
= 54%
6.6 Examination admission
A further requirement is that you must submit your assignment in order to gain examination/portfolio admission; otherwise you will not be permitted to submit the final examination/portfolio.
6.7 Examination period
This subject is offered on a semester basis, which means that there are two registrations each year. If you register at the start of the year (1st semester registration), you will write the examination in May/June of that year, while the supplementary examination (if applicable to you) will be written in October/November of the same year. If you register in the middle of the year (2nd semester registration), you will write the examination in October/November of that year, while the supplementary examination will be written in May/June in the following year. During the year, I will provide you with information regarding the examination/portfolio in due course. Suffice it to say that the exam/portfolio comprises three questions worth a total of 70 marks that you complete over two hours. But that it is a non-venue based exam, which means that you can write the exam wherever you wish, but you must have access to the internet and the web.
3 April 2020
4 September 2020

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