Page 5 - Jan. 19, 2020
P. 5


                                                                                            PILGRIMAGE TO
                  T H E   S T O R Y                              We are a Pilgrim People. . .              SPAIN

                        is the inspiring                                                           PORTUGAL
        true story of one woman’s
        journey of transformation.                                                      Spiritual/Cultural Journey
        All Abby Johnson ever wanted to
        do was help women. As one of                                                      Santiago de Compostela
        the youngest Planned Parenthood                         Join Fr. Tom —
        clinic directors in the nation, she                     and your friends from           Chartres Cathedral
        was involved in upwards of
        22,000 abortions and counseled                          SMTOC Parish in . . .           Palace of Versailles
        countless women about their                             Oct. 2020 for 12 days
        reproductive choices. Her passion                       (make plans now, final dates to             Lourdes
        surrounding a woman’s right to choose even led her to   be announced)
        become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting                                               Fatima
        to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in.   To receive information as it is available,   Paris
        Until the day she saw something that changed everything,   send your email address to Bill Copus—
        leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40
        Days For Life, and become one of the most ardent pro-life
        speakers in America.                                    You’re Invited:
                                                                           ST. MARTHA’S BILINGUAL
                                                                             PRECIOUS BABY MASS
                                                                Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 7pm

                                                                                 OFFICE CLOSED
                                                                 †   In observance of Martin Luther King Day †
                                                                                Monday, 01/20/2020

                                        Healing Broken Hearts-One Weekend at a Time.
       CS Lewis said: "Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace within difficulties."  Sometimes situations and
       decisions from the past can make us feel disconnected and alone. But we know, that even in our brokenness, God's love for
       us defines an unwavering beauty. If you have emotional or spiritual wounds as a result of a past abortion experience, please
       consider attending a Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat. There are two retreats available in the upcoming months in
       English. Participation is strictly confidential.
              (February 28 - March 1, 2020), contact information: Mary Huber, (909)475-5353 or,
              (March 13 - March 15, 2020), contact information: Dolores, (951)325-7702 or,
              These retreats are an opportunity for women and men to experience God’s love and mercy as He touches each
       wound with his healing grace.  Lives are restored and peace is found. Again, Participation is strictly confidential.
                                                WALK FOR LIFE - IN HEMET
       Please plan to join our parish in attending the 2020 Rally and Walk for Life on Saturday,
       January 25th, at 10am at Gibbel Park in Hemet. Come show your support for the
       Pro-Life cause and the sanctity of human life.
       Contacts: Michelle Goodrich—  Youth Group
       RESPECTLIFE WILL BE THERE John Kleine— (858)382-7512

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