Page 2 - MAVR Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1 (November 2017)
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end, we want to hear your ideas about projects, activities, and events you think we
should do or get involved in. And above all else, let’s support each other in our passion!
Best wishes,
The MAVR Team
1. AR App for Cool TeachARs
by Parisa and Mehrasa
BlippAR, an AR mobile app, brings images to life through the magic of augmented
reality and image recognition.
BlippAR in Act!on
Our doctoral dissertation focuses on designing, developing, implementing, and
evaluating a blended course, titled Osaka University Global English Online (OUGEO),
for teaching general academic English to Japanese undergraduate students at Osaka
University. Following one of the basic tenets of edutainment, which is to entertain
students and to also engage them in the learning process, we asked the students
enrolled in our blended English course to augment their posters using BlippAR. In order
to assure that all the students would be able to participate in this mobile-app-based
activity, at the beginning of the semester, we asked them about their ownership of
smartphones, and fortunately all of them reported that they owned one. Following that,
we held a face-to-face training session during which we told the students about the
basics of poster presentation and how to use BlippAR to create Blipps for their posters
(you can find the slides here and here).
The students then got into 14 groups of 5 to 6 people each, and the groups were
assigned to either of the two specified poster presentation days. For random
assignment of groups to the two presentation days, we used the Spinning Wheel
created by technologic, which was not only fun but also made the assignment
procedure fair. To prepare for this activity, the groups were required to select a global
theme for their posters, with the purpose of practicing poster presentation in English
while raising students’ awareness of current global issues. The following poster is a
sample created by one of the groups (also known as learnAR-generated AR content)
with a video overlayed on the top left image.