Page 4 - MAVR Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1 (November 2017)
P. 4
2. VR App for Cool Teachers
by Chris and Josh
VirtualSpeech - VR Training for Public Speaking
The VirtualSpeech app allows users to practice public speaking skills for presenting,
interviewing and networking in 360 degree virtual environments. The environments
range from large public speaking events (picture a TED presentation setting), to
medium sized auditoriums, to more intimate locations at a large table. A main feature is
being able to rehearse presentations in front of virtual audiences, with users inputting
their own presentation slides into the virtual environment to allow for realistic practice.
Another useful feature are the virtual interview scenarios. The app places you in front of
a panel of interviewers and has questions pre-installed that are commonly asked at
major corporations like Google, Tesla, Microsoft and more. In addition to public
speaking and job interviews, another feature allows you to stand in front of a virtual
classroom and practice giving a lesson - perfect for new teachers or current instructors
who want to practice before real courses.
Activity Description
This interview training activity would be suitable either as independent practice or
in-class practice for intermediate and above English learners. Since the app is providing
realistic environments to practice speaking skills, and recordings of questions, rather
examples of how to respond to interview questions, it would be best put to use after a
class or unit on interviewing skills. The main advantage of using the app for interview
practice is the realistic psychological pressure it puts on the user by immersing them in